Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's going to be a Jesus-year!

I remember in school we would inevitably make New Years resolutions, or at least have to share them. And I always kind of knew it was a crock. You start out strong but then never actually follow through. So, I don't participate in the whole NYR thing. I figure it shouldn't matter what day we decide to make a change, if it's a good thing to change just do it and stick to it. Right? Then I also kind of started to think that a birthday is a really good time to make a NYR, because truly that is a personal new year. Not that I ever really stick to those either. Hmmm.

I was reading a recent post on one of my most favorite to read blogs Living Proof Ministries and I have to admit I'm inspired. Beth wrote that she wanted to have a Jesus-year, and so do I! I confess I've been in a real slump devotionally, spiritually, personally, joyfully, well you get it. I've also been saying I needed to be accountable for myself to someone, something, anything. So, this is absolutely perfect! Here's a copy of the "rules" even though it's not particularly an enforceable thing......

*Commit to memorize (or seriously meditate on) 2 Scriptures a month. See? Very, very doable! Doesn't seem like much at first but imagine that, in exactly one year, you'll have memorized 24 new Scriptures! That, my dear sister, is a feat. The reason why I threw in the parenthetical "or seriously meditate on" part is this: a number of people have told me through the years - especially those in their 50s, 60s, and 70s or those of any age with chronic ADD - that they just can't memorize. OK, so meditate! Listen, the whole purpose of the process is to take our minds captive to the knowledge of Christ and demolish strongholds or nip potential ones in the proverbial bud. As long as those Scriptures are rolling around in your head, your mind is being held captive to Christ-centered thoughts and led away from destructive or carnal thoughts whether or not you're getting the words in the exact right order. At least three huge things happen when we memorize: our brains are bathed. Our brains are sharpened. Our ammunition is loaded.*Sign up on this post with your name and the city where you live. Really give it some serious thought before you jump on here and sign right up. Let's pull together a group that makes it all the way to next December! Do you really want to do this all year long? Will you commit to hang with it? Then sign up, you darlin' thing!*Watch for posts on the 1st and 15th of every month where I'll ask you to turn in the Scripture you're feeling led to memorize. (You'll write it all the way out in the version of your choice and put the reference with it because one of your Siestas might read it and want to memorize it next.) This is an important part of our process! We're NOT going to memorize the same Scriptures. I've learned through the years that we have the most victory with the verses that we each need most. Ask God to give you what He wants to prioritize for you this year then listen carefully through your quiet times, your Bible studies and your pastor's sermons for verses that really resonate with you or that you know you really need. He'll highlight one of those in your heart. Choose it with confidence. You'll most easily memorize what means most to you.*Buy a brand new set of index cards with a spiral that is only for this Scripture memory plan. (Most grocery stores and pharmacies have them. Easy to find.) You'll need to have it by New Year's Day so that you can write your first verse in it. Keep it with you A LOT. The car is a really great place to practice your Scriptures. Also be sure to get them out and say them every time you're feeling tempted to obsessive thoughts. You will be amazed at the impact God's Word will have on your thoughts. This right here, Girlfriends, is how we learn to wield the Sword of the Spirit.*Watch your prayer life change. Check out John 15:7-8. The more God's Word abides in us, the more the mind of Christ is developed in us. The end result will be that we will pray more and more of God's will and get more and more of what we've asked. Do not think for a moment that praying in the will of God narrows your requests. It blows them wide open! Ask Him in this Jesus-year to explode your effectiveness in prayer then watch it happen.*Have fun with it! Scripture memory is some work but it's also really fun. Especially if we do it together!! Anybody game?

Oh, I am SO game! Are you? So, I will not only be commenting on the LPM blog about my scriptures, but I figure it might be nice to also post them on my own blog. Maybe someone else can also be inspired by my scriptures too. This is going to be GREAT!
Last Sunday I almost didn't go to church. I was being lazy, it was snowy out, I was running late - blahdy blah. Every excuse, you know? But, then I thought I'd better go if for nothing else than to give my friend Esther her Christmas gift. So, I get there extra late. I always go late because I don't sing and so I go right at the end of the music to avoid the awkwardness of just standing there while everyone else sings. I know, I'm a dork! I walked in, and there was a guest explaining something about the Gospel Mission. And then the sermon starts from our pastor. It was like it was just waiting for me, because truly God had a big word just for me. It was about how we are disappointed when our expectations are not met. And how we are surprised when sinners sin. Wowza dude! That is exactly what is going on in my life! I've recently changed jobs and so getting used to new people and a new environment and missing my old colleagues (boy that sounds official, what I really mean is coworkers/friends!) and just life in general terms. Pastor Russ said something so simple and so profound. We are all sinners, and so will therefore sin. We should not be surprised when sinners sin, it could be sin against us or just in general. The only person who did not sin was Jesus, and none of us are ever going to be perfect this side of heaven. As for expectations, we put huge expectations on things and people and can become frustrated when they don't happen like we want. I know I do that. And from the perspective of others, they can't possibly meet our huge (or even sometimes small) demands and so feel they will never measure up. They will either give up or give attitude. All in all it's better to have low expectations but hope for the best. Hope others will do right by us and themselves.
For me, this is huge, especially at the holidays. This past week was super because I let go of my expectations in people. Just realizing that God is the only one who can meet and exceed my expectations, it's like I can let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding. And now, with this renewed sense of a "resolution" I can only hope I will not let myself down in the coming year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Swap part 2

Okay, so this was the second package I sent out, it was to my partner, Heidi, for the Pink Vintage Christmas swap that my friend Jennifer had hosted. It was fun to look for things, but also a teensy bit stressful because there was a serious shortage of cute vintage Christmas items let alone PINK items. I'm just hoping she wasn't disappointed! The charm bracelet was my handmade item, again just hope she likes it :)

Then, I received a SUPER fabulous gift from my dear friend, Sarah, who lives in Germany. I can't even describe how exciting it is to get something from another country. A fabulous country that I am dying to visit!!!! Such a great gift. I'm embarrassed to admit that I did also send her a gift that completely paled in comparison. Ugh. A million ughs!. So the candy packages had mostly everything written in German, which was fun :) And the soaps are shaped like little wooden dutch shoes and smell soooo good! I really don't think I'll ever use them!

I bought this cute Christmas-y figurine at the Goodwill, along with the little praying angel. I love them both. I wasn't going to buy the figurine, but them I remembered the last time I didn't buy one that I liked and then when I went back someone had dropped it and broken the hand off. And I really didn't want this one to get broken. So, really I was saving her :) There is a sticker on the bottom that says Napco 1956. So, this is the display on the one bookcase.

Then, I found this other stuff at the Hospice thrift store. I do love it in there. And, I was lucky because the deer candle holders were half off! I bought the thread to store away for future swaps and also for my mom because I know she will love them! And, we all know how I love beads so I couldn't pass them up :)
So, here's a funny story not on the subject of swaps. It's cold here. Super-dee-duper-dee cold - 13 degrees out as I type! Yikes. And last night our water froze. It's happened before and I sort of had and inkling that it was going to freeze b/c when I turned on the water it came out rusty. I know, yuck. But, we have a well and when it gets weird that's what happens. So, I ACTUALLY thought ahead! Me, thinking ahead - what has the world come to? I poured water into big pots and bowls and this morning had myself a little house on the prairie shower. I heated the water on the stove and used it in cupfuls. But, I had to take some sort of shower. You know? So, hubby is working on getting the heater in the pumphouse going.

Swaps part 1

Okay, so I am going to post two separate posts for each swap....
This was the fun ornament exchange that I participated in from the Siesta Fiesta blog. My partner was Cassie and she sent me a TON of fabulous stuff! I loved everything! That's a close up of the ornament.
And then a shot of what I sent her. She had said she wanted a cowboy theme and that it was hard for her to find stuff where she lives. I don't have that problem here, there are two feed stores and the one I frequent had an abundance! and Fred Meyer also had a good assortment. It was tough to pick just one!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Favorites

So, I totally copied this little questionaire because it looked fun and festive!
1. Fresh Tree/Fake Tree?
Fresh, although it would be so easy to have a fake one....This year I just got a little live tree to put on the dining room table so our dogs don't eat it or worse!
2. Favorite Ornament-
I love all of our ornaments! My mother-in-law would buy us those ornaments that can be personalized when we first got married and I LOVE those so much because I can never find something with my name on it so it's extra special to have both of ours together. Colima just isn't the kind of name anyone else has, you know?
3. Favorite Christmas Song-
I really love Bing Crosby, so I love anything he has sung. Since I was a child though I always loved Silent Night, or Little Drummer Boy. I have always loved picturing a little boy nervous and honored to drum for the Lord.
4. Favorite Tradition-
Honestly I don't think we have any traditions. I love to play Christmas music and decorate the tree. I love to turn on the lighted Christmas village and turn off the other lights except the tree and just bask in the soft colored glow.
5. Favorite Gift Ever Received-
I remember two Christmases that I really, really wanted gifts and actually got them. One was a cabbage patch kid. My mom had been on a waiting list FOREVER at Kmart and finally got one, it was a boy named Fletcher Peter and I loved him! And the other was a caboodles organizer. I just really had to have one for my makeup. I still have it, but now I keep my beads in it :)
6. Favorite Christmas Meal-
Okay, so again not traditional. Growing up my mom would buy a ton of crudite and we would seriously snack on that allllll day, and pickles. I've always loved pickles and so for me that was like perfection!
7. Favorite Christmas Cookie-
I love the danish cookies that you can buy in the tin. Just love them.
8. Favorite Place to be-
With my husband and family. Our families are all spread out though so we haven't gotten to spend much time with them recently so I miss the sweet times we spent with them when we were first married. His Grandma and Grandad used to host Christmas at their house and the house would be so perfect -decorated beautifully, fire in the fireplace, cold outside but cozy inside, the tree all lit up and sometimes after much prodding my husband would play acoustic guitar for everyone. I could just cry right now picturing it ;)
9. Favorite Memory-
When I was little my Grandpa would come to visit from Pittsburgh every year for my birthday December 10th and stay until New Year's. I can't pick out any one favorite because I loved everything when he would come.
10. Favorite Christmas Movie-
Charlie Brown Christmas has always been and will always be my hands down favorite!!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What's new?

Oh man, I have been neglecting my blog for a little bit - sorry! I just have had too much to do, which is good :) The most fun thing was that I was asked to teach some ladies a card class for the ladies Christmas brunch which was yesterday. It was really not a big to-do but it was super fun. There were like 50 ladies there so I had prepared 100 cards of two different designs. But, only about 15 or so ladies actually did the class. Which is fine because now I have LOTS of multi-purpose cards to use for myself!
Getting ready was a perfect storm of procrastination, getting a cold, and underestimating how long it would take to cut up all the paper, figure out my design and cut out the die cuts. I wanted to be completely organized so that I would not get flustered in front of everyone! I had rented a cricut cartridge from the scrapbook store to use with my cricut machine for the cupcake designed card. Unfortunately, the cartridge I thought would be perfect was not. There was an ice cream cone shape that I thought I could just cut off the pointy part of the cone and voila - cupcake.....but the ice cream scoop part was really round and just looked like an ice cream scoop in a cup. Hmmmm. So I had to improvise. Improvising with 50 cards to make is a little tricky. After a little trial and error I got it figured out, then ran out of my backround cupcake paper. Bah! The paper I had I actually bought when I was over in Medford, which is over an hour I found a diffent cupcake printed paper at the store after work Friday and then ran home to start cutting. Once I had the design it was cake (hee, hee!) and I just cut it all up and put them in little baggies so the ladies could just put everything together. Saturday morning I woke up bright and early and put together the second card design - which was another super easy one.
It was seriously a whirlwind teaching the class. The ladies were a mix of understanding levels - some got it right away and others I really had to walk through. There were quite a few that were apprehensive about even doing it because "they weren't crafty" or whatnot. Another lady, Irene also did a class before mine - she did Christmas cards that were SUPER cute! I'm totally stealing her idea ;) She had brought a bunch of those scissors that cut different edges, which I usually don't use b/c I prefer a straight edge. The ladies had so much fun with them though, and they could really take our designs and make it their own. They were all so thankful to us for showing them how to do the cards! It was great to be able to show someone who didn't think they were crafty or could do it that they COULD! I've never had that type of experience and I can't even articulate how blessed I was to share with them a little of what I feel every time I make something and like the outcome.
Of course, I didn't think to take pictures! I did think ahead and bring my camera, but didn't use it. I have a couple pics of the swaps I did but am waiting until the second swap gets to her before posting, even though I don't think she reads my blog. Oh, I almost forgot! We're doing a cookie exchange at work tomorrow so I am going to bake ginger cookies! Yum.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death, those who love it will eat its fruit."

So, I have to get something off my chest or I might die. I have a friend, who shall remain unnamed - not that she even reads my blog, but anyway! I invited her to a bible study, and was SO excited that she was going with me and getting a lot out of it. Like, a lot. Everything was going along just fine until someone said something that bothered her. And now she's not going anymore. When you have a friend and there is something you share together and then it ends it's so sad. I keep hoping she'll change her mind, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
The thing is, in the setting we were in I felt like we should ALL be free to share our feelings. Even if it could offend someone. But, the thing is the more I think about it the more I know that can't be true. My mom always said "think before you speak". Mostly because I'd say (and still do) whatever came to mind at whatever time. Sometimes that is inappropriate, hurtful, rude, any number of things really.
I kept thinking of this verse tonight from Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death, those who love it will eat its fruit." What we say can be hurtful not only to others but to ourselves. This could be a comment, a lie, gossip, a rude many negative things. But, it can also give life - we can give compliments, encourage one another, lift up, speak the truth. We can also refrain from any and all. Sometimes that is the best thing to do.
The comment that came out killed that relationship, she will no longer go to bible study. And her experience is tainted by one little thing. The ripple effect of that comment is felt by all of us even though only one person said it. At the end of the verse, those who love it will eat its fruit.....that's scary. It doesn't say the fruit will taste good. It could be bitter. One statement could ruin a relationship and cause lonliness. Or distrust, or fear, or make you the laughingstock of cruelty.
How much better to let the things that we say build people up so that the fruit we eat is sweet? That is what I aspire to, even though I miss the mark repeatedly. I struggle with gossip and just complaining. I need to think - if that person walked up would they be glad to hear what I've said about them?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bounty Bummer

I just have to get this out there because it's killing me! Every Fall for like the past 10 years - since I've lived on my own anyways - I have bought Bounty paper towels with the Charlie Brown characters playing football on them. This year? Nowhere to be found. Trust me, I've checked every store here in town. Nada. I think other people bought them too, why did they go away? The only thing Fall-ish was a different brand and it was just leaves.
In other news, I bought my first Victoria's Secret bra yesterday. My friend Kristin will only wear that brand, and my Olga bras have run their course. I popped over to Medford yesterday and stopped in. I have to say I do like the lift, but boy is it a boob rack now! When I was little I used to put my knees in the front of my shirt and say - that's how big I want my boobs, just like Dolly Parton. Well, my childhood dream came true with the first bra I tried on!!!!!! No kidding - they were OUT there! I went with the tame version, of course.
The best part of yesterday was when I went to Michaels. I think I wrote before about really wanting a Lemax light up house for Christmas. So, in particular I wanted the "Medford Glass" house. And guess what? Not only did they have it, it was clearance priced to $24.99 from $59.99 AND the only one left! It was meant to be, that's all I'm saying.....
I am officially freaking out about my swap gift. I have NO CLUE what to get her. Not only that I had started to buy things and I saw gifts that other people have gotten and everything I bought looks stupid. Oh well, I still have another week to comb the town.
So, when I was little every year my Grandpa would come visit for the entire month of December. He'd come out for my birthday and stay until after New Year's. I LOVED it. I LOVED him. I would get him the same gift every year - a box of chocolate covered cherries. It was the only thing he would ever tell me he wanted, so that's what I would get him. Until I was a little older - then he'd say stuff like suspenders, pj's, hankies. But the problem there was he would tell everyone the same thing so we'd all get him duplicates. LOL. So, last night amidst the Christmas decor in Michaels I felt very nostalgic and bought a box. I have to say, they are not the best but they did remind me of him. Boy, do I miss him.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beads and stuff

So, the other night - I think Tuesday night - I came home and this --->
is what my dining room table looked like! Truckie asleep on top of my projects! I know, I know - I shouldn't even have my crafts dominating the dining room table, but honestly I think it's been a loooooong time since we've used it for it's original purpose. So he was very unhappy with me moving him, but I had to so I could take the pictures! LOL
I found this little runner sort of thing that's embroidered with the lovely lady at Goodwill - of course! Since there are only like 2 thrift stores it's slim pickins. And I'm sure I overpaid for it - it was $2. But so pretty I had to have it. Geez, I'm a sucker!
I put the bracelets on top of the runner thing so you could see the colors. I'm happy with the way they all turned out. The red one was the one I made for Jan, she loved it as well. The yellow/brown one was inspired from the leaf charms, the two bigger leaf charms. They were actually a pair of earrings that broke and I stuck them in my q-tip jar in the bathroom like 8 years ago because I didn't want to throw them away! I took a second look at them and was like "those are perfect charms!" Must have a Fall theme bracelet! - and voila! Now, I have so many ideas! So, I'm thinking I HAVE to have a Christmas themed one, and Joann's has these cute clover shaped charms so I have to do a "lucky charms" theme! Get it, lucky charms like the cereal! LOL and also for St Patty's day. I know, I'm a nerd.
The only problem so far is the gold toned one is a softer metal I think. I have to either pony up for the more expensive stuff that is tougher, or think of a way to reinforce the links.....hmmm.
Oh! And there are the blocks that I found at the Keepers Corner - it's like this big store that people have booths at and a lot of it is antiques but some handmade things, a mish mash really. I'm sure I overpaid for those as well. They were in this little wooden basket that had two price tags. One was for the basket and said "vintage wooden fruit basket $2.95" and the other said "basket with blocks $5.95". So I told the lady I didn't want the basket and I figured that she would charge me half. I was wrong. I was charged $5.95. But in the past when I haven't bought something I wanted it was gone the next time I went in. I really wanted to ask her not to charge me the full price but then I didn't want to be too chintzy. You know? When I got home I spelled out "Give Thanks" and put the blocks on the bathroom windowsill next to my wooden turkey figurine I got in Bandon a couple years ago. Love it ;)
Today was the absolute longest day in the WORLD! Seriously. There was a work meeting at 7am. And I work until 5:30. So for real, this afternoon I was feeling like a cat in a paper bag. It was also super busy and contrary to the standard busy day goes by fast rule it didn't. Neverending. I should look on the bright side - at least I'm not still there. I feel so cut off from my life at this job. I'm almost thinking I need a cell phone just so at lunch I can go out to my car and call my fricken husband in private! I mean, I've tried to call from the break room on lunch, but there's always people around and that's awkward. So, the whole day I don't talk to's just weird.
I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. Which reminds me I need to list what I'm thankful for:
My husband
Tights that are long enough
New cute pointy toed shoes that are comfy to walk in :)
It's almost weekend time!
Books to read
I know how to read
Gainful employment

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Giving Thanks Challenge

I, like Lisa, am a copycat blogger. I admit it! This is such a good one to copy though! One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is when you sit and reflect on the things you are thankful for. And, why wait until Thanksgiving really? So, I am participating in the "giving thanks challenge", and you can read about it here. I added the button to my sidebar, and you're supposed to add the things you're thankful for underneath. Somehow, mine is all jumbled together. Not sure how to fix that....I guess it doesn't really matter much. So, the things I am thankful for today are:


Freedom of religion

My husband

Sunlight on the lake

Fall colors in the trees

Coupons for Joanns so I can stock up on crafting items


Cranberry scents

The wooden letter blocks I found at the "Keepers Corner" store yesterday that I spelled "Give Thanks" for on my bathroom windowsill and it looks so cute next to the wooden turkey!

Enough of everything - food, money, good health, gas in my car, heat in the house

The laundry pile is almost to the bottom

Watching the dogs play with their toys

I'm sure there's lots, lots more I could list, but I'm going to end now. I am so excited because I'm participating in an ornament exchange from the Siesta Fiesta Blog! So, my partner, Cassie was right on it with emailing me to get to know me and let me know what she's interested in. She likes a Western theme, and I know just the place to look for a fabulous ornament!!!! I'm hoping that there will be something cute at the Grange Co-op here in town. They were putting up Christmas decorations the last time I went in to buy dog food, so I'm going to check it out today! I'm also participating in a swap, a Pink Vintage Christmas swap. And I've started to accumulate goodies for that as well! My partner for that swap is Heidi, and I've got a few fun ideas for her as well. Hopefully I have enough time for everything!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mish-mash of thoughts

So, just so you all know, it snowed ALL day yesterday........all day. But, that didn't stop me from going to the bead store at lunch or Joann's after work. Oh no. I LOVE my charm bracelet that I fanagled on Sunday...and must make more! I showed it to Jan and she was like "when are you making me one?" So, really I have to make another one, and she wanted a red one. I know, I know - no pics! I left my camera in the truck and even though I walk by it twice a day I never remember to stop and open it up and grab my camera. Maybe tonight will be the night?

I'm not going to get into my views or beliefs about the election results. I know that some people are excited and some people are upset and what I think doesn't really matter now. I voted and did my part so now what I'm doing is praying. I've been praying for safety for the president-elect and his family. I'm praying for unity for our country. I think it's important to intercede for others, and this prayer from the LPM blog says it perfectly!
In other news, I miss my friends that I talked to everyday, emailed everyday, looked at their sweet faces everyday! I feel like I have been sent to Siberia. Literally. I'm thankful to have a job to go to, but it's rough not knowing these people. And knowing that they don't know me, and don't really fully appreciate my quirks yet. And honestly I don't know if they ever will.
So, also I rented "Kitt Kittredge" the other night, it's the movie that takes one of the American Doll characters and tells their story. I thought it was very cute, although a little downtrodden for a children's story. Of course, her character lives in the Depression, so of course it's downtrodden. But, I have to say that when I was a kid I didn't really want to be worrying about whether my parents had jobs and that type of thing. And I'll just say that I didn't live a charmed life, I was raised by a single mom and we didn't have a car until I was in high school. But, somehow my mom sheltered me from a lot of stuff, or I was oblivious. I also have to say that I loved her hair and the color of it. I think it would definitely be too light for me, but I loved it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Speaking of beads....

So, I was loitering in Joann's, just perusing the aisles....and decided I need to start beading! Oh, yeah. Like I need to start a new project! So, I bought one of the started kits and went home to try my hand at it. What I've found out from previous forays into beading is that I don't know what I'm doing. So, this time I read up a little. I always figure things out from books it seems, and thank goodness I've stumbled into blog-land to see what other ppl are up to! Anways, I'm very excited and glad to have the distraction from my job woes. I had some pink glass beads that I had bought probably 5 years ago because they were on clearance for like .25 cents, and geez I just had to have them! Good thing though, because they are making super cute little charm bead things. I'll post a pic when I'm done, but I'm working on a charm bracelet. It's fun to put different sizes and shapes together - there are so many variations! Love it!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

no me gusta

I don't like it when ppl don't know things and get upset when I do. I'll just leave it at that.

The highlight of today, besides my morning bible study - I made some progress on the steering wheel cover I'm working on! That is good, I should be done in a couple of days!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nothing special

Peppermint coffee is finally here! Oh man, I wait all year for this! And there is was in the Wallyworld coffee bean section....I think I may stock up this year!!!!!
Tomorrow is my first day at my new job. I will be working at a medical clinic here in town. I feel like I've lost a friend leaving the hospital. I really liked working with the hospital, and proud. I think that I am following what God wants me to do, so we'll see what's in store! Hopefully it will be awesome. One thing that might be cool is that some days are a later start than what I had before so I can get some housework done before work when I have more energy.
I re-started by steering wheel cover that I had started to knit. And the reason is that I was trying a pattern stitch out of a book and I think I just didn't get it. There were a certain number of stitches and so I figured it would work, but once I started it it seemed like maybe I needed to be doing something really wide -which I'm not. Like one row would end with 10 stitches and then the pattern row would have like 13. I'm thinking I just didn't do it right. So, I'm just going to stick with what I know which is just stockinette. It will look nice because the yarn is a variegated cotton, and it will work up faster!
Oh man! I almost totally forgot! I went to see High School Musical 3 last night with Jan and Mya (her 7 year old daughter we let tag along with us LOL) and I loved it! I am a ginormous dork when it comes to juvenile films - I think I'm still stuck in junior high in that regard! There were a couple of teeny little spots that I think were a little annoying just due to editing. One was a dance scene in a junk yard - the guys got there in the afternoon but suddenly once they started dancing it was black night out. What is that? But, loved, loved the dancing and singing! I think Sharpay is my favorite just because of her shameless craving the spotlight! And frankly I think she's one of the best dancers and singers. Her brother cracks me up too, but I'm wondering if he might be the ambiguous token gay character? I mean he wears hot pink pants and dances in a chorus line with chicks....that's all I'm saying. I thought the dancing scene with the prom theme was hilarious with the guys like dreading prom and the girls saying they've been waiting forever for it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Swap Q&A

Below you will see a list of get to know you questions. Please cut and paste these and use them on your blog so you and your partner can get to know each other better. Feel free to add photos if you have them.
1. What is your favorite Christmas decoration?

My favorite decorations are my lighted houses. I love to put out batting to look like snow on top of the piano and put out the light-up houses. I like to turn them on when I get home from work and leave them on until bedtime. My favorite ornament (I love them all!) is my blown glass pickle. I found it in Tennessee when we lived there and I have cherished it.

2. What colors/themes do you decorate for Christmas?

I think I am more traditional in colors and themes. I do have a few ballerinas and fairies that I sneak onto the tree. I like to put pine boughs all over and wreaths and lots of candles in red and green.

3. What Christmas item would you love to have?

I would love a Lemax lighted house, but alas they are sorta spendy! I love nativity scenes that are not cheesy - you know when the faces are not painted very well. I like Jim Shore figurines also. I like handmade things - like ornaments, advent calendars, or silly santas, stuffed snowmen or moose. Or a pretty bracelet or necklace or brooch???

4. Favorite goodie & hot drink?

I love spice cookies! I love to make them around the holidays, kind of gingerbready cookies. I'm not much for fudge or shortbread. Love pepperminty things. I am just dying for the peppermint coffee to come around!!!! I also love spiced cider. YUM

5. Are you a crafter? If so what crafts do you do?

Oh man am I ever! I love to scrapbook, make cards, knit, and sew.

6. What is your favorite pink item in your home?

My very very favorite is actually not even up's a postcard that I've been waiting to frame of the "Rose Fairy" by Cecily Mary Barker. Those are the type of fairies (the flower fairies) that I ADORE and have since I was a toddler! I also love the fuschia hat that I knitted myself last winter, it's very soft and fuzzy.

7. What do you collect?

I collect candle holders with nubs on the bottom. They look so pretty in a candle stick. I am looking for orange ones. I have also been collecting Holly Hobby, vintage beads, fabric, yummy yarn. Vintage embroidered pillow cases, kings crown ruby flashed thumbprint glassware, or any pretty variation of the kings crown thumbprint glassware.

8. Do you have special family traditions for the holidays?

We used to....but not the last few years. We used to pick names at Thanksgiving when we would go to hubby's Maternal side of the family. That was always fun. Growing up my Grandma always mailed my brother and I an advent calendar that was super glittery and we'd take turns opening each day.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Favorites

Here is something to cheer me up :)
Borrowed this from a friend's blog & thought it was fun!
Tell me what you like about fall! Leave your answers in my comments or on your blog!

F (Your favorite food)
A (Favorite fall activity)
L (Favorite fall liquid drink)
L (what you look forward to when fall comes)

Here are my answers:

F: My favorite foods are pumpkin bread, turkey, green bean casserole and SQUASH!
A: My favorite fall activity is setting up fall decorations and getting pumpkins
L: My favorite drink would HAVE to be spiced apple cider! I like the mulling spices that you simmer in apple juice
L: I look forward to the changing of the leaves and pumpkins!

A little teary

How do I hate hormones, let me count the ways....I am so teary today and I can't even stand it. I am so sad and melancholy but also so excited I can barely stand it. How does all of this exist in my body together??? So, one of my favorite patients came in today to get her records and that was it, I just started crying. After she left of course. But all these patients have relied and trusted the doctor I have worked with and now she's leaving. And they are scared and angry and understanding and need care. The nearest doctor of the same specialty is now 70 miles away over a mountain pass that is terrible during winter and some of these patients don't or can't drive. It breaks my heart to hear over and over again "what do I do now?" I pray that the Lord will send a new doctor quickly and that in the meantime these patients will get the care they need so urgently. I know that He is faithful.
What I am so excited about I can barely stand it is the scrapbooking retreat this weekend! I am in need of some chick time if you know what I mean! My BFF Jan will be there, we have only had lunch twice this week.....bah! after working side by side for the past 5 years we're having a little bit of withdrawals. And a lot of other fun ladies who are so creative and inspiring. And all scrapbooking all day and all night if we want. We just set up tomorrow afternoon and leave everything out and scrap in our pj's if we want to. It's at a campground with cabins and we will be in the big main hall. There are cooks all weekend that make all the meals for us and clean up, so it's a little bit spoiling! I hope I get LOTS done!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bible cruncher

Okay, so I know I already did a post today, but I am cracking up about something and wanted to share!
Yesterday I was called a "bible cruncher"! Now I have been called a "bible thumper" and "holy roller" and a few other names that I think are kind of funny even though I'm sure the person calling the name meant it negatively. But "bible cruncher"? Now that's comedy! I guess out of all the things one could crunch for sustenance, the bible is definitely the best! LOL :)

Christmas Swap

So, I am going to participate in my very first ever swap! My friend Jennifer is hosting it, it is a Vintage Pink Christmas swap and sounds like it should be fun! I have to admit I'm a teensy bit nervous too. I hope I will be able to pick something out that my partner will like! Today is the last day to sign up if you're interested!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Okay, so this past weekend I went to visit my Mom and it was very cool. We had a great visit and also found some great sales! We of course started out Saturday with a couple of thrift stores. I always love to poke around in the Discovery Shop, it's downtown and a really teeny little place. It was chock full of customers!!! Nothing too exciting there but I did find a cute blue sweater - the brand is Koret. I was cracking up when I pulled it off the rack because I am always attracted to an "older" style of clothing and I could just hear my friend Jan telling me to put it back! But since she was not around to chastise me I bought it and I love it :) Okay, so then we went to the GIANT thrift store that is also a tad scary. It's in an old grocery store, so it is really huge, and was also full of customers! I thought I had found the mother lode of cute pants, all in my size and Liz Claiborne and like new. I guess it's actually a good thing, they were too big! I did find a full sized sheet that is pink with a floral pattern on it that I am going to make pj's out of ala Jen. So that will be a fun project! Okay, so. Since there were a ton of ppl in there it was starting to freak me out a little so I needed to scootch outta there. I was in the long line and just looking around trying to focus on anything else but freaking out, and my eyes rested on - wait for it - a whole rack FULL of beads!!!! Okay, so I love beads. My love of beads really started with the Disney Cinderella where the fat mouse Gus Gus spies the beads and just knows they will be the perfect thing to set off the dress! And then he tries and tries to get his treasured find back to the room... ah, just love that. Anyways, I didn't want to get out of line because it was huge but also could not pass up the beads. My Mom was one lady behind me so she offered to save my spot. I picked out 4 strands of different fabulous beads. I will try and post a pic later.

We then trekked to the "Sally" across town. I found a cloche with a hideous flower under the glass and I snapped it right up. I thought it could possibly have some potential. I was thinking about the post that I had just read on Friday from Shara about the cloche that she had found. But, the thing is, the price was just too high for me. And, when it came right down to it I really would have no use for it. I try to keep things in perspective when I'm thrifting because I don't want to end up with piles of junk that I don't use because it "could" have potential. I know, I know - that's no fun. But it keeps me a little sane. A little. I also put back a Holly Hobbie canister for the same reason - what in the world would I do with it and where in the world would I put it??? Although I may kick myself later because I truly do love Holly Hobbie. I have a couple of plates and a few chotchkes (sp?) of Holly Hobbie.

After that I think we went to a parking lot sale that was a stinker! And on we went to the mall. What a wonderful thing. We don't have a mall per se in the town I live in. We have Gottshalks, Ross, Fred Meyer and Walmart. And a few other little shops, but really it's like nada. Which is kind of good for the pocketbook, but not good if you need new clothes. JC Penney and Sears were having a super fabulous sales! All clearance was like 75% off! I found a ton of cute stuff that will be good to layer for Fall and Winter! Whew - what a relief. On the way out of town I always like to stop at this one Safeway because they have good sandwiches and local goods. Finally the pickles I love love love were available. They are called Dave's Dazzling Dills, grown locally and they are superb. Very potent and spicy! Last year there were none to be had because the cucumber crop was a bummer, so I was waiting and waiting this year. And, I always pick up some Maisie Jane almonds for Jan because she does atkins and that's a good snack for her. Plus they are so yummy :)
So, sorry this is such a rambling post! I guess I felt like writing a little?

Friday, October 10, 2008

FYI - that's snow!

Yesterday I was talking to hubby and he said "It's snowing!" and it was just little flurries. But still. Even flurries I don't want - it's not even the middle of October yet! It was absolutely freeezing last night, and this morning when I woke up - that's what I saw on the surrounding hills, snow. The picture was taken at the bottom of the driveway of the mountain which looks like it got a bunch of snow. A couple days ago it was clear, no white stuff at all! ewww.
I am going to visit my mom this weekend. I am in need of retail therapy. This has kind of been a stressful week with not knowing what's going on employment-wise. Our office met with our director today and it sounds like I will still be working until the end of October. So that's good! I'm hoping that something else will come up in the meantime.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So I finished the dress I mentioned in the earlier post. The thing is, when sewing, sometimes what I picture in my mind is NOT what ends up in the finished product. That is precisely what happened with this dress. I'll tell you what I had pictured: a beautiful brownish/plumish dress that would look super trendy and tres fabulous on me possibly with boots and a wide belt. What happened was more like a moo-moo. As in I look like a cow in it, mu mu. So, trying to stay positive I put on the wide belt and it kinda looks halfway decent. I ask hubby and he halfheartedly says it looks good. He's being nice. I take off the belt and say, how about now? Immediately he says, it looks like a mu mu. Harumpf. Not sure if I am brave enough to sport the dress out in public - but I might wear it tomorrow to work because I KNOW Jan will let me know how it looks. I can't let go of the dream I guess :)
In other news, I have an interview this afternoon at 3. I had a good feeling about it, so I'm hoping it will pan out. If not, I know that God has a plan for me so I'm staying focused on that and trying not to worry.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Goodwill Goodies

The hunt is over! Last week, Thursday I went into Goodwill and what did I see??? My first fabulous find I didn't get a picture - but - it is one of those resin geese that you can dress up and either put on your porch or wherever. My friend Jan has been wanting one for-ever, and I kinda wanted one too. So, I snatched it up and put it on her desk Friday morning! She was so excited! Love it.

When I go into a thrift store or whatnot I like to kind of gaze the horizon of shelves to see if something immediately catches my eye. So, first was the goose, the second was the scale that I had been so diligently looking for!!!!! Ya-hoo! Now, all my bead type necklaces are not clogging up my jewelry box any longer! So excited! I know I looked kinda goofy walking around carrying a goose and a scale but oh well.
In other news, I am no longer without a vacuum cleaner!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you - depression is not having a vacuum and having 4 large dogs. I would sweep every single day and in 5 minutes there would be tons of hair again. Argh! But, I threw a teensy little fit on Saturday and voila! Hubby got a vacuum. And all is well again :)
I did make a purple corduroy skirt Saturday, you can see a sliver of it in the pic. I did take an actual picture of the whole thing, but it turned out looking like a giant purple blob. Coincidentally, I found the fabric at Goodwill a couple weeks ago! Gotta love it. I started a dress last night, I think it is going to turn out cute! I should finish it tonight after I vacuum again :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Praise God!

Yesterday as I was driving by Fred Meyer on my way to get dog food, I was a little worried about my job situation. I pulled up to the stop light and it's like someone hit me on the side of the head - Who Cares??? I'm going to spend eternity in heaven!!!! Wowza, how awesome is that??? I was filled with peace and also that giddy excitement before going on a really fun roller coaster!
Then, this morning I read this post from the Living Proof blog titled "There is a Rescuer" and was blown away! In a tragic, humbled, hope-filled way if that makes any sense. I wish I had half the guts Miss Amanda does to just say it! Without worry of offending anyone or repercussion! So, I guess my point is - yes, this is a difficult time but I was reminded that there is something better and more awesome coming!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Okay, so I'm having one of those lame weekends where you have big plans but nothing actually happens. I was sooooo looking forward to sewing this weekend, and so was my project basket. But, I also have an annoying neck issue. Sometimes, it will seize up at the most inopportune moment. Like yesterday morning, I moved my neck and *eek* it froze. For the rest of the day I put on icy/hot and took ibuprofen and layed on a heating pad - nothing helped. Today it's a little better, but I still have done nothing productive.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I've been tagged by Jen at Rosey Little Things!

If you have been tagged, here is what is requested:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a post on their blog.
Here are 7 facts about me:

1. I HATE mayonaise. Even if a sandwich has been cut by a knife that had a smidge of mayonaise on it I will not eat that part. Just knowing it might be there freaks me out. I don't know why and I don't even remember what mayonaise tastes like because it's been soooo long since I've actually had any.

2. I am often told that I am strange or have weird thoughts. But really, I think I am just vocal about what's going on in my head when others might not be. But I think other people have just as strange of thought or even stranger! Of course, no examples come to mind to share!

3. I have hypothyroidism and never remember to take my Synthroid (med for condition) until I get super tired and then think "Hmmm, I should probably take my meds!" Whoops.

4. I love the smell of Fall! To me that means burning leaves and chilly air and apples and cinnamon and pumpkins and turkey.

5. Ground beef freaks me out. I've actually had a panic attack thinking about either me or other ppl eating it. But I like steak!

6. Sometimes I just like to go to the movies by myself. Like dorky movies or kid movies. I started doing that in high school and just still do. And, now there's some movies that my hubby doesn't want to go to, so I'll still go see something if I want to.

7. I could sit and watch sea lions or elephant seals for HOURS! Or birds, just love to watch them!

So, I'm supposed to tag 7 other people, but honestly I don't even know 7 other people in blog-world! So, I'm just going to tag Lisa and call it good!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Coastal Refreshment

Last weekend I went on a ladies retreat with a group from church. It was at Lake Bradley, which is in Bandon, OR. And it was beautiful!!!! The grounds of the campground are like no other campground I've ever been to. Lush grass, multitude of beautiful flowers, polished hardwood floors. Yes, we were sleeping in bunk beds, but geez, with a coffee bar down the hall who can complain?

I actually didn't take too many photos this year since I had been to the same retreat last year. The date on the photo is wrong, I forgot to reset it when I charged the battery on my camera - whoops!

Everything about this retreat was just special. There were a few mishaps - I for one will NOT be going in the van again anytime soon. The music was awesome! This year it was two ladies who are sisters, they were very hip and nice and loud. I absolutely cannot sing out loud unless I know that people can't hear my terrible singing voice. I can't even begin or come close to describing the "mountain top" experience I had with God, but just know it was AWESOME. And healing. Suffice it to say it is ongoing between me and Him and I love Him more and more because of it!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Okay, so finally some pics! Here is Vanessa on the left in the white sweater I made that I decided to make a cardigan. Then, there is Marisol in the v-neck. This was actually the same pattern but I modified the neckline on Marisol's and added wider sleeves. I for sure used too thick of a yarn, if I make any more I will use a thinner yarn. They worked up quickly and I did enjoy making them :)
Okay, so the next picture is what I found at Goodwill on Sunday! I always peruse the linen area even though it's sorta scarce, but it wasn't on Sunday! There was a TON of fabric! I restrained myself very well and only picked out three pieces, each is at least 2 yards I'd say. The floral piece was only .99 cents! I had almost just bought some courduroy and so was very excited to spot the purple cord fabric! And, I love a nice plaid so grabbed the brown plaid also. I did include the brown/orange plaid that has not been made into the jumper that I had previously mentioned! Whoops!
The next item is a candle holder, and it was just so interesting and kinda pretty! No markings on it, but it was only .99 cents so what the hay! And, I just love the pillowcase with the embroidery and crocheted edge!!!! Love it. It was $1.99 which I'm not really sure is a good price. I guess it is though?
This last weekend I was sick and still have not quite recovered. I'm really really hoping I get better before Thursday so I'm better for my retreat! Yesterday I was home sick and right about this time taking a nap. And right now I'm barely keeping my eyes open, ready for a snooze! Isn't it funny how one day you take a nap and then the next day you're ready for a nap at the same time???

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Veggie Lasagna

1 jar of spaghetti sauce - I like Newman's Own Sockarooni or Tomato Basil
1 package lasagna noodles - I like the no-boil kind
mozzarella cheese (grated)
zuccini cut in thin slices
bell pepper, onion, mushrooms (all optional)
olives for garnish

I always start with a noodle layer, then layer sauce, then zucchini and then cheese. If you want to add the other veggies I just add them on top of the zucchini. I'm pretty generous with the sauce, I think it helps cook the noodles more thoroughly. It usually makes 3 layers in a 9x5(?) pan. I top with a layer of cheese and then put some olives on top. I cover with foil and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. My oven doesn't bake evenly so I bake things longer than normal. After an hour then I take the foil off so that the cheese can get a little browned and crispy.

I always use a cheese like jack or mozzerella because I don't like ricotta, but if you like ricotta it would be easy to add it in.

p.s., last night as I was making this I realized that I had NO olives!!! Bah! I was freaking out when I found waaaay in the back a can with 3 measly olives left in it! I still used them, hey I'm from California! and sliced them into a thin layer on the top. De-lish!

Projects in the works

Here's what's new today:

1. I am not sure what's going on with my current employment situation. The doctor I work wth announced the other day that she is moving. Then she started telling people she was just taking some time off. I don't even know what I'm going to do. I am seeking God to see what He wants me to do. So far no clear, unquestionable answers.

2. I'm knitting sweaters for my dolls. I found a pattern at woolleyrockers that looked like I could do it. I made a cute little white sweater for Marisol but actually it ended up looking better on Vanessa. Started another one for Marisol, I varied the neckline into a v-neck with wider 3/4 length sleeves out of some yummy fall-toned yarn that I had leftover. Will post pics when it's finished.

3. Going to sew a jumper this weekend that could possibly turn out hideously. I found some orange and brown plaid fabric at Joann's that for whatever reason I really love. I told the saleslady at the cutting counter that it's actually kind of ugly but I like it. This one sales girl always asks what project you're working on when you are at the check out or cutting table and you should have seen her face when I said that I was making a jumper out of this particular fabric! LOL! She was like make sure you come in after it's done! I told her that if it's not cute I won't wear it!

And now I shall share another recipe of which I made for dinner last night. It is veggie lasagna, but I'm sure that you could probably add meat if you prefer. I added bell pepper last night so possibly sausage would compliment it?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wrinkles and such

Okay so yesterday was terrible and dramatic and I hate drama. And, I hate liars.
But, enough about that! What I was starting to write about yesterday was a much better topic. My face wash! I know, I know....not serious at all. So, I had started to tell you all about how I'm a Mary Kay consultant but not really a REAL one because I have no customers. I just order to get my product at 50% off. But the drawback to that is that I have to order $200 at a time to get the discount. With bills and whatnot I've been pushing that back and back. And in the meantime been running out of stuff. So I was in some store, probably Walmart and saw a girl with nice clear skin and she was buying Neutrogena face wash. And I thought "why couldn't I buy regular stuff like everyone else???". I've been using MaryKay for-ever so I wouldn't even know what to buy, where to start, I bought the neutrogena. And at first, my face liked it. But after awhile I was breaking out and my skin is actually really sensitive so it hurt. I decided to just suck it up and order from my friend Holly who is a real consultant. I am telling you my face just LOVES the MK!!!! I am back to normal. I may or may not go back to ordering myself (the discount is nice) since I really do use everything but for now it's nice just to go to Holly's and pick things off a shelf! BTW I found 3, count em 3! new wrinkles this morning. My hubbity assures me that I am still young, even though I think he may only be saying that because he is older! And Jan said you can't see them from 4 feet away - but that day is coming!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Weekend update

This is what a beautiful clear day looks like from the back driveway! I was on my way down to lounge in the hammock. You can see the hills in the backround now, in the previous post the smoke was covering them and I like to pretend we live on the coast. So my hubbity bubbity went fishing at the real coast this weekend but before he left I asked him to set up the hammock for me. It was sooooooo cold though this weekend!!! Very windy (gale force winds LOL - inside joke) and like 60 degrees and below. I grew up in Chico where Labor Day was still H-O-T! I'll trade 60 degrees for 110+ any day though. So, there's the hammock and the view through the trees. Next time I'm going to take down a sleeping bag and that should be about perfect!

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I LOVE FALL!!!! I love the smell and the crisp air and the colors and decorating my house Fallish! So the tree on the table was a garage sale find, it had been painted gold. Now, I love gold, but it didn't quite fit for decorations to really stand out. So I spray painted it matte white. I usually put pumpkins in an arrangement on the table and string the fall leaves around those, but pumpkins are not in stores yet! I guess I'm a little early.....anyway so I put them in the tree on a whim and I kinda liked it :) I found the crow at the dollar store of all places! Hubby was so funny, he came in the house and was like I like the decorations. Then he goes, you know there's a crow on your tree you might want to shoo it away! And Truckie of course HAD to be in the middle of everything! He's so cute. Although it was getting annoying because he kept rubbing his face on the tree and almost knocking it over!

The cupcakes I actually made the weekend before last for Jan's ladies night. We usually get together every few months or so and play board games and laugh incessantly! It's a blast! Oh, and we also bring food - food and laughter just go together I think. They were lemon with cream cheese frosting and then I had picked some blackberries in the back yard and topped them with those. I had thought I burned the cupcakes because I put them in the oven and then started watching a show and whoops! 20 minutes longer than they should have been in the oven I remembered they were still in oven! Argh! Luckily in this case our oven doesn't bake evenly so the top was more done than the bottom. Last night I picked the berries in the colander down the driveway by the mail boxes. I took June (our black lab) with me and after like 15 minutes she decided she was done! and laid right down in the middle of the driveway! So silly. I put a handful of blackberries in my oatmeal this morning and it was de-lish!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Oh Man oh man! I was in Joann's fabric this weekend and seriously had to leave because I lost focus! It was a verrrry Fallish weekend so I of course was like - I need to get crackin on sewing some fun Fall frocks! And there were so many delicious corduroy to choose from and plaid! I'm going to make a jumper out of some plaid - but which one??? I reeeeally liked this one brown and orange, but then there was also a brown and blue! I'm totally diggin brown right now and something about the orange mixed one was just so cozy. I'm thinking out of the cord material I'd like a skirt and jumper. There was a super cute floral print with purple! So now I'm going to get my patterns together and go back prepared!
I did put up my Fall decor this weekend, which was so FUN! I LOVE all the colors and scents and just the feel in the air! Perfect for a sweater but not enough for a jacket....I'm going to have to rethink where I put my stuffed pumpkins though. I had made an orange pumpkin out of felt and a yellow gourd and I had them on top of the heater which is not in use yet. But, Sammy felt that they would be the perfect chew toy!!! Luckily I noticed he had grabbed it before he did any damage. He really didn't understand why I didn't let him keep it! LOL, so I gave him a rawhide to replace it. So, I'm looking for a high up place to put them. I need to switch out my house flag today because I left up the American flag for Labor Day. I can't wait to get pumpkins!!!! (real ones)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

New search

Like last week or the week before, Jan and I trolled the sales. One of the veeerrry last ones we went to was labeled a yard sale but also said vintage sale. Our ears definitely perked! It turned out that this lady had cleared out her living room and put a bunch of vintage stuff that she had found all over and was re-selling it. There were a few cool items, but I guess after you come from other sales where everything is like $1 or less it seemed a little spendy. I did buy a cute little ceramic bird (for $4) that is brown with a gold glaze overtop. My Mom has one and so I had to have one as well, although I'm pretty sure hers is a green. Nevertheless - I did discover something that I am going to have to keep an eye out for, even though I've never actually seen one in circulation. Remember those old decorative scales??? I think one of my friends grandmothers had fake fruit on each side. Anyway, the lady had taken off the scale part and so it was the center beam which had a pretty glass accent and thent he crossbeam and she had necklaces hanging on it! I'm sure I'm not describing this correctly, but it was very cool looking. And functional. Now I just have to find one!
I did actually ask if I could buy hers but she wasn't selling. She knew she had a good thing. Maybe I will check ebay?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Seeking God's truth

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; you works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you."
Psalm139: 13-18
This morning in my devotion I was writing out the lies that I have believed about myself so that I can then figure out what God's truth is. I was getting overwhelmed and upset with each thing that I identified. Each thought brought on another and another and so on. I had to stop otherwise I'd still be in my living room just crying. As Beth Moore says, "in a heap on the floor." I reached for my bible and opened it, the first scripture I saw was actually Proverbs 16:3, which was exactly what I needed to hear - "Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed." My plan (among many plans) is to find out what God's truth is - then I flipped again and in pink I had the above scripture highlighted. Oh!!! How that spoke to my heart! He created me, wonderfully and fearfully! He sees me just how I am and was in the past and loves me fully anyway. I may not always love myself, but the God of the universe does. I will be in search of more truth, but for now, that is enough just to know. There is also a song by David Crowder Band that says "you make everything glorious! - so what does that make me?" Just looking around at all the abundant beauty that God has made makes my heart squish!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Paradox of Hot Flashes

I have been getting hot flashes every month since I was 13 or 14, which means that for more than half my life I experience what an older lady does. I was in Walmart yesterday literally panicking because I was sweating and roasting! I made a make-shift fan out of one of those free hand outs in the craft section and was frantically fanning myself. I got several funny looks but I just didn't even care! I had beads of perspiration over my nose/cheek area. The funny thing is, every time I mention that I get these I get a certain sort of disbelief from people (like I would make it up!) and a condescending "You're too young for those". I KNOW I'm too young for those! Believe you me that I don't WANT them! My internal inferno is not pleasant, but I have figured out a little relief. This is crazy, but those heating pads that you stick on actually help! Who knew that adding more heat would actually help cool me down??? I guess I was just thinking how strange that is.... But, I'm hoping that maybe once I do get to that certain age I will be over them! Until then - menopausal ladies - I feel your pain!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Apricot update

I was going to post a blog yesterday about the apricot project, but realized that I had forgotten my camera and it would be much more fun with pictures! I tried a batch with and orange juice dip, but let me tell ya - ewwwww! They were soooo tart! Which tart does have its place but not in this case! Also, they got extremely overdone! I'm thinking it's because of the altitude? We're at like 4500 feet and most recipes I have to adjust but didn't think about the dehydrating. The recipe said 24-36 hours and I only did like 17 and they were still super dry.
So, never fear! I tried again! And Hooray - I'm glad I did! The second try I used apple juice, nice and light flavor. And I cut the hours down to like 14, which turned out just about perfect. I'm very pleased with the final product. Next time I will know the right amount of time and I'm going to try guava juice. I thought that would be nice and sweet :)

On a completely different note, it has been so hazy here with fires and whatnot. And a little bit of oppressive heat - so I was sitting out in the yard doing my bible study homework since it was cooler outside than inside! And I took this pic because when it's hazy or foggy you can't see the hills in the backround of the lake that we live next to and I like to pretend it's the ocean! I know I'm a little silly - but it kinda does, doesn't it??? I like to think that we are on the coast and I could just walk down and put my feet in the sand and hunt agates! Or just sit on the beach and listen to the waves.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

yummy stuff

Okay, so I am super duper excited about possibly making dried fruit! I have had a food dehydrator for a year and have not done anything with it yet. BUT, that's about to change! (hopefully) This past weekend I was walking the dogs up the hill behind our house and noticed an orange ball on the ground. I picked it up to discover it was an apricot! Lo and behold we have two apricot trees FULL of orange apricots! Yahooo! They are still hard as rocks, but I am going to keep watch on them and as soon as I can I'm going to pick them and put my dehydrator to good use! We also have two apple trees that have some teeny green apples on them. I hope every year that they will get big enough to use in a pie or something fun like that, but they never do. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the year! Wouldn't that we fabulous???!!!??? I've also got my eye on our blackberry bushes that have bloomed and have green berries on them. Oh, I just can't wait to make a tart or pie or pretty much some yummy baked good!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fun stuff

Okay, these are the things that I got while visiting my Mom but forgot them in her car so she mailed them to me! Oh, how I love getting a package in the mail! Yippeee! Oh, and I put the broken plate in there also! I'm using the orange dish as a spoon rest on the stove. It is luminous! Mom found the pillow cases for me, and I love them! I still need to wash them before I can start using them, they are soooo soft! I have to say the beads are probably my favorite! I had been looking high and low here, but no luck. We kind of have some slim pickings, there are only two thrift stores! I wore them yesterday with my red and black scrubs and I know they didn't match but I just HAD to wear them because I love them so darned much!
So I reaaaaallly wanted one of these rotisseries. And wouldn'tcha just know that I found one whilst visiting my Mom at a thrift store. It was marked 16.50 and my Mom had a 50% coupon! As if it wasn't a low enough price! It is pretty much new, it didn't have the accessories, but did have the main parts. This is the first chicken I tried in it, it came out pretty good!

This is a lizard that was on the side of our house this weekend! He's kinda cute!

Then, as I was taking a pic of the lizard I saw a buck in the side yard. We live on the side of a hill that has a bunch of wildlife, so I had fun taking some pics!

Okay, then I called my husband over to see the lizard and he noticed these snake skins in the grass! Creepy! We laid them out like this, they weren't just like that :)

Some sweet peas with a ginormous bee!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sad, sad, sad

I forgot about something tragic that happened this weekend! I had a little collection of sweet plates on the wall in the dining room. Two little floral-y pink ones and one with sorta sage-y green around the edge that really set the other two off. Wouldn't you know that I bumped the green one off the wall and broke it!!!! Wah! I never had noticed before that it was a limoges plate from France, with the marking of S&G San Francisco. I have had that plate probably since I was in high school since before I cared about things like that! Oh! such a horrible thing - I will never be able to replace it! Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do with the broken pieces??? I saved them thinking MAYBE I could glue it back together -but it would just look too tacky! I have put a temporary replacement plate up, it's yellow and got all kinds of Oregon landmarks on it. Just not the same...........
On a lighter note - now I'm on the hunt for a proper replacement!

Taco Soup

I feel that I should share my favorite recipe of late! This recipe is from Jan, she shared it with me and now I'm sharing with you!
Taco Soup
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into chunks
1 onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, cut in smallish pieces
1 can stewed or diced tomatoes
1 larger size can tomato sauce
1 can corn, undrained
1 can kidney beans (drained and rinsed)
1 package taco seasoning mix (I like Taco Bell brand, if I don't have that specific brand then I add more ground cumin and some chili powder to give some more oomph)

In frying pan put a teensy bit of oil, add chicken and onion. While the chicken is cooking on medium heat put all other ingredients into a pot and turn on medium-high heat. Cook the chicken just until it is no longer pink in the middle and then add chicken and onions to the pot with the other ingredients. Heat through. Grate some cheese to put on top of each serving in the bowl. You might also like to add avacado or sour cream. Sour cream is not for me, but hubby said it was good.
This makes two large servings with extra for lunches. You can easily increase the recipe! Or, Jan uses ground beef. Personally I have a distaste for ground beef so I use chicken. You could also buy the pre-cooked chicken to make it faster.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jen's Blog Swap!

I'm pretty new to blogging - so this is my very first swap! It seems like it will be really fun! I've checked out other blogs via various links and honestly I have been blown away! (in a good way) there are so many talented and creative people out there!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

In my head - a top ten of sorts!

I was down to visit my Mom this past weekend and she is such a creative powerhouse! We looked through her quite impressive and beautiful vintage fabric. She has it divided by actual vintage and reproduction - love it! She had two actual flour sacks that were such a nice pattern and still assembled as a flour sack with a dusting of flour on them! So fun! But, now I am getting to feel a little overwhelmed and like my head is going to *explode!* because I have so many ideas floating around in my head and no time! Weekends are only so long and after work I am either too tired or have to make dinner, clean, laundry, etc. Maybe it would help to list some things I'd like to do??

1. Mom gave me some lovely tea towels that are just plain right now that I'd love to embroider on. I bought some "Aunt Martha's" iron on patterns that are so super cute and have the days of the week and lots of other cute designs.
2. Also in the vein of embroidery - found some vintage pillow cases that are embroidered on the edges but need to be laundered so need to do that. I'd also like to add to the the embellishment in some way (?).
3. Make tote bags. Mom sort of commissioned my sewing help in one of HER projects. But the fabric looks fun and girly so will be good. Only problem is I haven't really lined bags before, I usually do an enclosed seam and she wants them lined.
4. I would like to make a new bible cover either embroidered or cross-stitched.
5. I have some quilted fabric that I'd like to make a pretty table runner out of that would make it nice and easy to put hot things on the table without ten million hot pads underneath. I'm thinking it will have scalloped edges and seam enclosed with bias tape. I might also cross stitch a design on it. (Can you tell I have an itch to stitch?)
6. Stuffed turkeys! Mom was very generous with fabric this last weekend and I picked out some fun brown-ey fabrics for turkeys.
7. I also found the cutest set of clear rubber stamps in different whimsical birds and owls with funny sayings. I'm thinking these will be perfect for my all-purpose cards that I never got to at my long weekend.
8. I'm looking for a fun yellow/black/white big flower printed fabric to make a fun flowy dress out of. I have absolutely NO fun summer dresses!!!!!!!!! What happened with me? It just doesn't make any sense that I have no fun dresses OR skirts!
9. Oh! This one is sort of silly. BUT, that said - I want to knit a steering wheel cover for my car. I bought a pretty cotton that is variegated pink, white, and tannish and I'm thinking I can just make like a thing rectangle and sew elastic around the edges to make it hold onto the steering wheel. I feel like the cottong would be nice to hold onto while driving.
10. Well, I can't just have a list of nine things so I need to add a tenth! I wasn't going to put these because I had already put them on my previous list of things I wanted to do - BUT! I still need to make those darn yellow scrub pants! And some doll clothes, and put a button on this pair of lined camo pants I made for my husband like three years ago and allllll they need to be finished is a stupid button - but for whatever reason I hate doing button holes! Maybe I should move that to #1?