Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Oh Man oh man! I was in Joann's fabric this weekend and seriously had to leave because I lost focus! It was a verrrry Fallish weekend so I of course was like - I need to get crackin on sewing some fun Fall frocks! And there were so many delicious corduroy to choose from and plaid! I'm going to make a jumper out of some plaid - but which one??? I reeeeally liked this one brown and orange, but then there was also a brown and blue! I'm totally diggin brown right now and something about the orange mixed one was just so cozy. I'm thinking out of the cord material I'd like a skirt and jumper. There was a super cute floral print with purple! So now I'm going to get my patterns together and go back prepared!
I did put up my Fall decor this weekend, which was so FUN! I LOVE all the colors and scents and just the feel in the air! Perfect for a sweater but not enough for a jacket....I'm going to have to rethink where I put my stuffed pumpkins though. I had made an orange pumpkin out of felt and a yellow gourd and I had them on top of the heater which is not in use yet. But, Sammy felt that they would be the perfect chew toy!!! Luckily I noticed he had grabbed it before he did any damage. He really didn't understand why I didn't let him keep it! LOL, so I gave him a rawhide to replace it. So, I'm looking for a high up place to put them. I need to switch out my house flag today because I left up the American flag for Labor Day. I can't wait to get pumpkins!!!! (real ones)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am super excited to decorate for halloween, IS it too early???