Monday, October 13, 2008

Okay, so this past weekend I went to visit my Mom and it was very cool. We had a great visit and also found some great sales! We of course started out Saturday with a couple of thrift stores. I always love to poke around in the Discovery Shop, it's downtown and a really teeny little place. It was chock full of customers!!! Nothing too exciting there but I did find a cute blue sweater - the brand is Koret. I was cracking up when I pulled it off the rack because I am always attracted to an "older" style of clothing and I could just hear my friend Jan telling me to put it back! But since she was not around to chastise me I bought it and I love it :) Okay, so then we went to the GIANT thrift store that is also a tad scary. It's in an old grocery store, so it is really huge, and was also full of customers! I thought I had found the mother lode of cute pants, all in my size and Liz Claiborne and like new. I guess it's actually a good thing, they were too big! I did find a full sized sheet that is pink with a floral pattern on it that I am going to make pj's out of ala Jen. So that will be a fun project! Okay, so. Since there were a ton of ppl in there it was starting to freak me out a little so I needed to scootch outta there. I was in the long line and just looking around trying to focus on anything else but freaking out, and my eyes rested on - wait for it - a whole rack FULL of beads!!!! Okay, so I love beads. My love of beads really started with the Disney Cinderella where the fat mouse Gus Gus spies the beads and just knows they will be the perfect thing to set off the dress! And then he tries and tries to get his treasured find back to the room... ah, just love that. Anyways, I didn't want to get out of line because it was huge but also could not pass up the beads. My Mom was one lady behind me so she offered to save my spot. I picked out 4 strands of different fabulous beads. I will try and post a pic later.

We then trekked to the "Sally" across town. I found a cloche with a hideous flower under the glass and I snapped it right up. I thought it could possibly have some potential. I was thinking about the post that I had just read on Friday from Shara about the cloche that she had found. But, the thing is, the price was just too high for me. And, when it came right down to it I really would have no use for it. I try to keep things in perspective when I'm thrifting because I don't want to end up with piles of junk that I don't use because it "could" have potential. I know, I know - that's no fun. But it keeps me a little sane. A little. I also put back a Holly Hobbie canister for the same reason - what in the world would I do with it and where in the world would I put it??? Although I may kick myself later because I truly do love Holly Hobbie. I have a couple of plates and a few chotchkes (sp?) of Holly Hobbie.

After that I think we went to a parking lot sale that was a stinker! And on we went to the mall. What a wonderful thing. We don't have a mall per se in the town I live in. We have Gottshalks, Ross, Fred Meyer and Walmart. And a few other little shops, but really it's like nada. Which is kind of good for the pocketbook, but not good if you need new clothes. JC Penney and Sears were having a super fabulous sales! All clearance was like 75% off! I found a ton of cute stuff that will be good to layer for Fall and Winter! Whew - what a relief. On the way out of town I always like to stop at this one Safeway because they have good sandwiches and local goods. Finally the pickles I love love love were available. They are called Dave's Dazzling Dills, grown locally and they are superb. Very potent and spicy! Last year there were none to be had because the cucumber crop was a bummer, so I was waiting and waiting this year. And, I always pick up some Maisie Jane almonds for Jan because she does atkins and that's a good snack for her. Plus they are so yummy :)
So, sorry this is such a rambling post! I guess I felt like writing a little?

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