I remember in school we would inevitably make New Years resolutions, or at least have to share them. And I always kind of knew it was a crock. You start out strong but then never actually follow through. So, I don't participate in the whole NYR thing. I figure it shouldn't matter what day we decide to make a change, if it's a good thing to change just do it and stick to it. Right? Then I also kind of started to think that a birthday is a really good time to make a NYR, because truly that is a personal new year. Not that I ever really stick to those either. Hmmm.
I was reading a recent post on one of my most favorite to read blogs Living Proof Ministries and I have to admit I'm inspired. Beth wrote that she wanted to have a Jesus-year, and so do I! I confess I've been in a real slump devotionally, spiritually, personally, joyfully, well you get it. I've also been saying I needed to be accountable for myself to someone, something, anything. So, this is absolutely perfect! Here's a copy of the "rules" even though it's not particularly an enforceable thing......
*Commit to memorize (or seriously meditate on) 2 Scriptures a month. See? Very, very doable! Doesn't seem like much at first but imagine that, in exactly one year, you'll have memorized 24 new Scriptures! That, my dear sister, is a feat. The reason why I threw in the parenthetical "or seriously meditate on" part is this: a number of people have told me through the years - especially those in their 50s, 60s, and 70s or those of any age with chronic ADD - that they just can't memorize. OK, so meditate! Listen, the whole purpose of the process is to take our minds captive to the knowledge of Christ and demolish strongholds or nip potential ones in the proverbial bud. As long as those Scriptures are rolling around in your head, your mind is being held captive to Christ-centered thoughts and led away from destructive or carnal thoughts whether or not you're getting the words in the exact right order. At least three huge things happen when we memorize: our brains are bathed. Our brains are sharpened. Our ammunition is loaded.*Sign up on this post with your name and the city where you live. Really give it some serious thought before you jump on here and sign right up. Let's pull together a group that makes it all the way to next December! Do you really want to do this all year long? Will you commit to hang with it? Then sign up, you darlin' thing!*Watch for posts on the 1st and 15th of every month where I'll ask you to turn in the Scripture you're feeling led to memorize. (You'll write it all the way out in the version of your choice and put the reference with it because one of your Siestas might read it and want to memorize it next.) This is an important part of our process! We're NOT going to memorize the same Scriptures. I've learned through the years that we have the most victory with the verses that we each need most. Ask God to give you what He wants to prioritize for you this year then listen carefully through your quiet times, your Bible studies and your pastor's sermons for verses that really resonate with you or that you know you really need. He'll highlight one of those in your heart. Choose it with confidence. You'll most easily memorize what means most to you.*Buy a brand new set of index cards with a spiral that is only for this Scripture memory plan. (Most grocery stores and pharmacies have them. Easy to find.) You'll need to have it by New Year's Day so that you can write your first verse in it. Keep it with you A LOT. The car is a really great place to practice your Scriptures. Also be sure to get them out and say them every time you're feeling tempted to obsessive thoughts. You will be amazed at the impact God's Word will have on your thoughts. This right here, Girlfriends, is how we learn to wield the Sword of the Spirit.*Watch your prayer life change. Check out John 15:7-8. The more God's Word abides in us, the more the mind of Christ is developed in us. The end result will be that we will pray more and more of God's will and get more and more of what we've asked. Do not think for a moment that praying in the will of God narrows your requests. It blows them wide open! Ask Him in this Jesus-year to explode your effectiveness in prayer then watch it happen.*Have fun with it! Scripture memory is some work but it's also really fun. Especially if we do it together!! Anybody game?
Oh, I am SO game! Are you? So, I will not only be commenting on the LPM blog about my scriptures, but I figure it might be nice to also post them on my own blog. Maybe someone else can also be inspired by my scriptures too. This is going to be GREAT!
Last Sunday I almost didn't go to church. I was being lazy, it was snowy out, I was running late - blahdy blah. Every excuse, you know? But, then I thought I'd better go if for nothing else than to give my friend Esther her Christmas gift. So, I get there extra late. I always go late because I don't sing and so I go right at the end of the music to avoid the awkwardness of just standing there while everyone else sings. I know, I'm a dork! I walked in, and there was a guest explaining something about the Gospel Mission. And then the sermon starts from our pastor. It was like it was just waiting for me, because truly God had a big word just for me. It was about how we are disappointed when our expectations are not met. And how we are surprised when sinners sin. Wowza dude! That is exactly what is going on in my life! I've recently changed jobs and so getting used to new people and a new environment and missing my old colleagues (boy that sounds official, what I really mean is coworkers/friends!) and just life in general terms. Pastor Russ said something so simple and so profound. We are all sinners, and so will therefore sin. We should not be surprised when sinners sin, it could be sin against us or just in general. The only person who did not sin was Jesus, and none of us are ever going to be perfect this side of heaven. As for expectations, we put huge expectations on things and people and can become frustrated when they don't happen like we want. I know I do that. And from the perspective of others, they can't possibly meet our huge (or even sometimes small) demands and so feel they will never measure up. They will either give up or give attitude. All in all it's better to have low expectations but hope for the best. Hope others will do right by us and themselves.
For me, this is huge, especially at the holidays. This past week was super because I let go of my expectations in people. Just realizing that God is the only one who can meet and exceed my expectations, it's like I can let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding. And now, with this renewed sense of a "resolution" I can only hope I will not let myself down in the coming year!
1 comment:
I signed up to do the challenge too! I am glad you are doing it! I hope you get a lot out of it! Have fun!
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