Sunday, December 30, 2012

knitting and quilting gifts

Okay, before Christmas gift making was null and void for me.  After Christmas?  It's on!  LOL  not sure why that ended up that way but it has.  So, first up is an ear warmer that I made for Sherry, we have been in bible study together and used to work together.  At the last study before Christmas Joey was wearing this pretty white ear warmer and Sherry said she would love to have one and so I found a pattern on ravelry, well, more a combo of this and this pattern.  I totally did not get the increases at first, yikes.  Still not sure that I got it but it looks okay so I guess that's what matters.  You can't tell really from this picture and the yarn I used but it is a knit-purl rib pattern all across.100_3274[1]
I've already finished another one for Charese except for the flower.  I need to make that tonight.  I like to knit or crochet at night while watching tv so that my hands are busy and I'm not tempted to snack!  Hers is black yarn that has a thin piece of shiny thread woven throughout and I found a pretty red rose button to go in the center of the flower.  Oh man I literally spent like an hour in Joann's today picking out buttons! 
And, here's the runner I made for Jan for Christmas. She said she loved it!  She decorates her house in "who-ville" colors and theme so I wanted something sort of traditional but not entirely.Christmas runner for Jan Here's a close up of my two favorite little "trees": 100_3270[1]100_3271[1] The top fabric with the little birds was a fat quarter that I got at the coast in September with my Mom. I just love that fabric, so fun!  I really had to hurry through the quilting because I started it on Sunday morning and I needed to give it to her on Monday - Christmas eve!  Talk about putting it till the last minute! 

Today I finally made some persimmon cookies!  This is awful but I took some persimmons from a lady at work and 2 of them went bad while waiting for me to get on with making them!  Luckily they need to be really ripe for my recipe.  They turned out delicious! 
Yesterday I got my nails done, not something I normally do, but I had some Christmas money just burning a hole in my pocket!  I'm trying out shellac which is just like regular nail polish except you put it under these lights and it turns super hard!  They are just beautiful, really shiny like freshly polished nails except they don't chip or smudge or anything at all!
P.S. I almost forgot ~ I went to church today and actually sang out loud even though I'm sick and prolly sounded pretty retched!  My Mom will understand why this is important!  I'm making progress :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

and so

Yesterday this was the view in the back yard. We had even more snow over night and today. 100_3266[1] Yesterday I went out just for a bit to the store and the library. Right before I left the mailman had given me my mail. Turning onto my street last night at almost 6pm there was a van sort of close to my house with it's flashers on and I thought it strange. It drove away before I actually got onto my street and when I got up to my house I could see a little parcel on my porch! I wasn't expecting anything, I thought. Look what it was! 100_3265[1] I knew I had ordered it but didn't think I'd get it until well after Christmas! Yahoooooooo! I've done the scripture memory before with the siestas at Beth Moore's blog and I saw this post where she announced that they are doing it again this year.  And there's a fun spiral notebook that she is selling to go along with it.  If you're like me you need all the fun incentives you can get to get me excited and looking forward to memorizing scripture!  It's a cute little spiral, which I didn't think to get a picture of (!).

Today I finished up a table runner for a friend as a gift for Christmas.  Um, sort of last minute!  I've been meaning to get to it since like last year but couldn't quite wrap my head around my idea.  I finally decided to just get to it already.  It still didn't turn out how I had pictured but I do like it.  I'll show pics after I give it.

I came to a funny realization about myself the other day.  I don't know if I'll be able to explain it properly.  I've realized that there are certain books that I just HAVE to have on my bookshelf.  And if it's not there I feel quite panicky about it.  The other day I just wanted to read a certain part of a certain book and I don't have the book!  I did borrow it from the library just to read that part but now I know I have to buy the book.  Like I have the Harry Potter series and will never get rid of it, and the Twilight series and now I have to get the Hunger Games.  Jane Eyre is one.  There's a book that I don't know the title of that I had when I was growing up and I don't even really remember much about it except that the main character's best friend could knit a sweater in a few days.  That book I would read over and over because I just loved the friendship and that the friend could knit like that.  What a curious thing.  Anyhow I've realized that if something strikes me a certain way I'll just have to hold onto it.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Oh man it's almost Christmas! I was telling a coworker the other day that for whatever reason it sneaks up on me every year! Every.year. I know it's coming. I decorate my house. But I don't do anything else really. I just made cards this morning. So, um, yeah they will be very late. This time of year, especially December, is a very reflective time for me. It's my birthday, Christmas, and anniversary month! I sort of retreat for a bit. And then it's New Year's, when it's acceptable to be reflective of the past year and make resolutions. I usually just start about a month early. During this time I think about the resolutions I made last year and where I've made it or fallen short. I don't think I've done too poorly this year in the resolution dept but there are many things I'd like to work on! I need to be a better steward with money and saving and paying things off. I would also like to work on making more traditions. I need to continue losing weight (down 14.8lbs!). I did way better last year with praying and I'd like to continue that and also work on being more consistent with praying for others. I need to read more books! Last year I read an average of 1 a month. It looks like it is definitely going to be a white Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

let it snow

Could it be a white Christmas this year? I don't know if it will stick around, but here's the view for today: 100_3263[1] I've been doing a little re-organizing this snowy day. Last weekend I got to visit my Mom for my birthday which was awesome! As always, I come home with some cool stuff. She sent me home with some plastic tubs for storage so that I could rearrange and put things out of my way, like summer clothes, seasonal decor and fabric. I've got most of my summer clothes and shoes packed away for next year, I haven't even gotten to the craft house yet. I also scored a cute little table that I plan on painting white when the weather gets a little better! I'm going to put it to use first though :) And you know how it is, once you start cleaning one area then you find like 10 others! I didn't get any picts of all the fabric, but trust me, there was a ton! It's in the wash so that it will be ready for use.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

old and new

Last night the boys and I were chilling out on the couch watching movies.  I was curled up under the first quilt I made, and I realized that it's the one I always grab when I want to be cozy.  It's backed with flannel so that probably really helps. 100_3262[1] But I was also realizing that I had picked this quilt apart, literally and then after it was finished finding the mistakes I had made. But now, hmmmm 3 years later (?) it's my favorite to snuggle under and I don't even notice the mistakes really. When I did seam rip it apart I really did need to because the squares were all unevenly sized and nothing lined up at all. And, even though I really do love bright, bold colors, and white....I really do love this color combo too. Anyways, no point there just appreciating the old. Which brings me to the new. I made this Christmasy tomte yesterday so I can take it to work. I really wanted something to add some Christmas cheer to my desk and I think this will do nicely.   What do you think?100_3261[1]
I added some tiny poms down the front like buttons and I really like the effect!  As you can kind of see I've put out my Christmas decorations at home.  I'm so glad I did.  Changing out the decorations also forces me to dust!  lol, not my fav.  I'm not putting up a tree again this year though because I'm pretty sure George (my cat) will climb it and ruin it and scare herself to death in the process! 

Oh, hey I have some news!  Last Wednesday was the first night of our new bible study!  Sherry put it together and we're doing the James study by Beth Moore.  It's 3 of us from our old study and 4 new ladies, a nice mix.  I think you already can guess how happy I was to get back into a study!  Love. it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

sewing catchup

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I had a little adventure in making mashed potatoes. Here's the thing - I don't really like mashed potatoes or gravy. It's all about the green bean casserole for me :) BUT last year at Jan's I messed up the instant potatoes (what? who does that?) so I volunteered to make scratch taters because really that's the only way I know how. I asked a lady at work how many potatoes I should use? She said about 2 potatoes per person. Huh. So like 22 potatoes. Which is right under 10lbs of red potatoes. Which equals a crap-ton of potatoes! I had planned to whip them but realized I would probably break my handheld mixer! So I added parmesan, fresh crushed garlic, cheddar and heavy cream and stirred until my arm hurt! I totally underestimated how long they would take to boil so then I was also in a hurry!! Good thing I had one moment of clarity to take a shower and dry my hair early! I also make my spinach artichoke dip and cranberry orange sauce. I'm happy to say that pretty much everyone liked the potatoes. Next time though I won't use as many potatoes! Yikes.

And so, I thought I'd finally share a pic of the table runners I went on and on about. It's not a great pic, but you get the idea. I ended up selling one from the craft faire after all, and then 2 at work! The one I have left is the far left one, the Christmas one with the red binding. 100_3253[1] After the Craft Faire I finished up this Christmas wall hanging that I started in the summer.  I really like the way it turned out.  I had been wanting to try out a scrappy binding on something so I used up some red and green binding that I had leftover from other projects. 
My friend Kristin had asked me a little while ago to make her some hot pads. That project had been put on the back burner getting ready for the craft faire. So, this weekend I put my nose to the grindstone so to speak. She had asked for plain hot pads, but I just couldn't do it. I don't think she'll really mind though. And if she does then there's still a TON of fabric left and I can re-do some plain ones. So I took this opportunity to try out a few things I've been wanting to. Like the churn dash square, which is the one with the dark brown shape  and the green binding.  Looking at this picture I really don't like that pinwheel one.  It's really not that bad in person.
100_3257[1] Here are the plain ones.  For these I just tried a couple different quilting stitches.  Like the bottom right one I quilted circles.  And the one with the purple binding is loop d loos.  I used one layer of batting and one layer of Insul Brite so they should be very heat resistant.  That's what I used on the ones in my kitchen and I think it's a good combo.  They are pretty much 7.25 inches but the ones with straight lines turned out smaller because straight line stitching really stretches the fabric and sort of distorts it, which means when you're trimming down you have to cut off more than desired to get a uniform shape.  I guess I could have started with 10 inches and then cut down to 7.25 but you know, that whole hindsight[1]
I didn't take a picture of the backs, they are just boring.  But each one is a different fabric that coordinates.  I hope she likes them :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Okay, here goes: not one of my runners sold.  THAT is exactly why I never wanted to do a craft fair.   It would have sucked worse actually being there watching people not buy my stuff.  So, yeah, sorry to be a negative nelly. 

In other news it's been raining off and on and I have a yummy veg soup in the crock pot.  I've been sewing and just finished up a Christmas wall hanging I started awhile ago.  Listening to The Lightening Thief book on tape.  So, it's  cozy kind of day.  What's everyone else up to?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

and I ramble on....

I know I say this like, every single year, but seriously ~ it's almost Thanksgiving already?  Crazy.  I love and also kind of hate the holidays.  I love what the holidays are, the music, decorating, food, family and friends.  I hate missing people, ideals that don't add up, and another year slipping by.  But, the love outweighs the hate, so no worries.
This week has gone by fairly quickly and I'm glad.  I donated blood on Monday, today had part 3 of the root canal (the end is near!), and have been trying to talk my immune system out of a sinus infection. Tomorrow is the farewell dinner for Laurie (boo.),  Saturday I hope I can sleep in and Sunday Jan and I are going to see Breaking Dawn!  Monday I will know if any of my table runners actually sold at the craft fair.  I almost don't want to know.  But, I do want the money if they do :)
Huh, what else is new?  I'm reading the new Beverly Lewis book, the Fiddler, to distract myself from reading the new book club book that we haven't started yet.  Um. Okay fine, I did already read the ending...but I wouldn't be me if I didn't, right?  Also up for this weekend I feel like I might need a Christmasy bunting.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


So, the snow sort of melted but then it was so cold that it didn't completely melt.  And then early this morning snowed a teensy bit more.  I popped in Michael's last night because I had been in there for-ever!  and there was Christmas music playing.  It felt oddly comforting :)  Because I L.O.V.E. playing Christmas music and do allll year long.  Now I can play it and it's not quite as out of place as it is when it's 80 degrees out.  But 30 degrees ~ rock on!  Er, holly jolly on? 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


FYI it's snowing!  Like, for reals snowing.  I begrudgingly admit that it is pretty in a Christmasy way but I'm not ready for snow!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

and more random

Oh man, it is mid week and my tail is dragging on the ground!  I went to zumba after work and it was like my legs were lead!  Sometimes that happens where my brain tells my body to move and my body is like, um, no.  It's okay though.  Tomorrow is another day and I will have more energy.

I know I've been sort of quiet on here, but really it's because like nothing is going on.  Every time I go to write something it's like "that's too boring" or "that will be offensive" or a million other "that is...." so then I just end up writing nothing.  Life is just rolling along, nothing exciting.  I'm disappointed about some of the election results....but so glad the election is over!  I love to vote.  Love.It.  I could not wait to vote as soon as I turned 18 I voted.  I am reading a new book called The Fiddler, it's the newest Beverly Lewis book.  V. Sloooowwwlly.  And project wise things are kind of blase blase there too.  I will post pics of all the runners I've made once they are done.  Hmmmm, what else is up?  I did volunteer to decorate the office breakroom for a girly baby shower.  But that's really no big whoop because it's just at lunch time and will be super easy.  I'm hoping I can give it some kind of zing though so the mama-to-be will feel special even though it is just a lunch time thing ~ does that make sense?

Still no bible study.  I did check one out at another church and it just didn't feel right.  On a good note I did manage to drag myself to church Sunday.  I didn't get much out of the service though because the lady I was sitting next to kept going to the nursery and bringing back kids!  Ugh.  Squirmy, wormy LOUD kids.  Bumping into me trying to shush up kids.  And one of them wanted to go back to the nursery but the mom said "no, you chose to come back in here so you're staying."  Right.  So we all suffer because she couldn't put her parent pants on.  Sorry.  I know that's harsh.  But, really, who's in charge there?  So, four kids later and I couldn't really concentrate or hear what the pastor was saying. 

So looking forward to the weekend when I can sleep in :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012


So, some cool news this week!  There has been a weight loss challenge at work and the final weigh in was this week and I WON!!  The challenge stared right after Labor Day and I lost 7.1lbs and won $125!  So cool!  The next challenge started Friday and will end December 21st.  I have been doing lots of zumba and started a spin class last week and practicing what Jan and I call "dinnerexia"  which is just not eating dinner.  If I do feel hungry then I steam some veggies. 
An update on the craft faire thing.  I have 3 runners finished, 2 Christmas theme and one Fall.  Oh, and I learned something new!  It was painful.  I bought the newest issue of Quilty magazine (which I love) and there was an article about binding and it closed the binding with a bias seam.  Holy cow.  Trying to wrap my head around that was rough.  Maybe I just hadn't had enough coffee.  I would sew it together and it was all twisted.  I think I sewed that seam like a million times.   Then I was like I gotta figure this out.  I grabbed a scrap piece of binding and once I could turn it in my hands without the written directions then it clicked.  It looks so much nicer than the closure I was doing.  I can't find the tutorial I had used for that but it was just sewing a straight seam. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

quilt challenge voting

And so, voting is open for the "In the Bag Ugly Fabric Challenge".  I am #32 in case anyone wanted to vote for me :)  Voting is open for one week, so if you do feel like voting you can check it out here.  The pictures on the blog are kinda small, so this is what the front looks like:
front view tumbling jewels and the back view: back view tumbling jewels

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

and then it snowed.

There are just some days when I wake up and I'm like, what in the world? Today I peeped out the window and this: 100_3250[1] Um, did someone dump powdered sugar everywhere? 100_3251[1] Oh, that's right. I forgot. I live somewhere that has snowed on the 4th of July. I should not be surprised. Good news is that the weather changes so fast that everything was melted off probably by 9 am. Thank God for heaters, huh? So, I have a little confession. I've been in a funk. A blue mood. Just can't shake the doldrums. I'm fine, everything is fine, but I just haven't had much to really blog about. I keep pressing forward with projects and keep myself pretty busy so I don't dwell on anything. I really just need to find a new niche spiritually speaking. My bible study that I've gone to for like 4 years is ending. And I'm not ready for it to end. My church doesn't have anything at night, they only have studies during the day. Last night I went to a different church's study and it felt really disjointed and a little weird. Probably just because it's different than I'm used to. I've been praying for God to let me know where I belong. I really also need to get back to church on Sundays. I've been meaning to but I just savor every minute of my weekends. Speaking of which...... This weekend is the scrapbooking retreat and I am v. much looking forward to it. The last few crops I have not scrapbooked to save up pictures for this weekend. I may also work on some cards, and you know I'll be taking some knitting with me :) It will be good to get out of town a little bit. Jan isn't going, and that's a bummer but there will be other ladies there to keep me company.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

last zucchini

Alright then, in my last post I was totally geeking out.  Still am a little.  I have 2 table runners done and really only one is up to my liking.  I have a fall one and a Christmas one.  The Christmas one I am not completely happy with so we'll see if I'll send it along.  I started another Christmas one, so we'll see if it turns out better.  And really maybe no one will buy anything I have anyway.  Ugh.  This, right now, is exactly why I never wanted to do a craft faire.  The feeling like I could barf and nerves and then feeling like maybe it is good enough and then what if it doesn't sell and then that meaning it wasn't good enough.  Yuck.

Anyways......yesterday I made a veg soup in the crock pot, it was delish.  I picked this little zucchini to add to the soup. Isn't it pretty? LOL I was talking to my Mom yesterday after I had started the soup and I was telling her about the zucchini and she said "I'll bet you took a picture of it." Yep! 100_3248[1] The sad thing is that it froze last night and so did my plants. Boo. So, I have two zucchini that were on those plants that I think are salvageable but the plants are dead. I took this picture of George this week. Every day I come home and she's in the front window and I say "I have a cat in my window!" Nerdy, I know! George in the window So, here's the view of her from the inside looking out.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


OMG!  a lady I work with just offered to let me add stuff to her craft faire booth and I'm sort of freaking out about it right now.  She said if I have anything by November 16th I could add it.  What if I do????  I'm totally geeking out right now.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


So, while Mom and I were at the coast we had cruised over to Mendocino to shop.  There was one particular shop that had a bunch of seasonal stuff.  It took me awhile to decide what I wanted as a souvenir.  This is what I chose:
100_3237[1] It makes me laugh every time! Friday night I checked out the new Joann's store. It is huuuuge! And there is so much new stuff that the old store didn't have. It was so much fun to walk around gawking at everything! I spied this in the Halloween decor and just had to have it. 100_3238[1] Aren't they funny next to each other??? 100_3239[1] Yesterday Jan and I met at the fairgrounds for the annual rummage sale. How much do you think I could stuff into a paper bag for $4? 100_3240[1] This is a little like how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck 100_3242[1] There are 4 white flat sheets that are full and twin sized, a full fitted sheet and a full sized printed sheet. Vintage books with great illustrations, racks to organized under sinks, hangers to hold up quilts. The candle holder and duck planter actually were in one of Jan's 2 bags. It's kind of hard to tell from the picture but the candle holder is like mercury glass.
I also started another quilt. This color scheme has been bouncing around in my head for awhile.  I think it will have another couple rows at the top or bottom.  The bigger flying geese pieces haven't been trimmed down yet, once they are then altogether it's going to be a lot smaller than I had pictured.  I don't know yet if this will be gifted or a charity. quilt.  I only know of one other preggers lady right now and she doesn't know what she's having and I don't really know if this would be her style or not.  I've been using the no waste method of flying geese.  It's pretty easy and fast and you get near perfect geese every time!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

pink and girly

Tonight I feel like I'm playing hooky.  Tonight is book club but I didn't/couldn't go because I didn't read the chapters.  Wanna know what kept me from reading this weekend?  A little baby quilt :) baby quilt It's just pinned up on my "design wall" so excuse the fabric peeking from behind. Speaking of behind, here's the back view: back This is going to be for a lady that I work with who is having a girl. When I asked what her color scheme was she said pink. Theme, anything girly. Huh. So this is what I came up with, I added eyelet lace around the binding. binding and borderfolded quilt I really like the way it turned out! My sewing machine was reeeeealllly testing my sanity though. I got about 1/4 of it done when it started not catching the bobbin thread. So, I stopped for awhile (went to Joann's for retail therapy) and then came back to it. Then it started chopping off the thread after quilting a few inches. huh. Okay so I changed the needle to a new one. Same thing. Well, maybe the machine didn't like that brand needle? No problem, I have more. Nope. I pushed through, not getting angry.........and then it started both problems at the same time and cutting off the thread like every inch or so. Yikes. Sanity. Slipping. Away. I took a little coffee break. I don't usually drink coffee in the afternoon. Then I remembered my old machine that I killed. What if it wasn't truly dead? What if it just needed a 6 month hiatus? Yessiree. It sqeaks, but it works and I finished up the quilt with it. So, all that to say that I didn't quite fit in any reading time because my mental health was teetering a little. I'm fine now, though :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I must be crazy

Because yesterday I got off work 45 min early because I was in danger of running over hours.  I was set freeeeeeee! So, I thought, I'll just drop in Jo-ann's and see what's up.  Last week everything was 75%.  Starting yesterday everything is 90% off!!!!!  Holy cow dude.  I thought the parking lot was kind of packed, and this explained why.  People were buying up fabric like mad, me included!  I also scored a couple of books and a dvd on how to knit cables, bobbles and lace!  I saved $285!!!! After waiting 2 hours in line.  What makes me crazy?  I called Jan this morning and she was down there again (she was there yesterday too) and said the line wasn't too long.......I took the quickest shower known to man and drove down there.......and waited in line another 2 hours!  BAH!  I'd say it was worth it though.  Between last night and today I saved like $500!  I scored a bunch of Denyse Schmidt cotton, some brown Kona solid and lots of thread, pearle cotton thread, more fabric and nice ribbon.  Oh, and double pointed knitting needles and a cable needle.

In 2 weeks will be the grand opening of the new store and frankly I feel sort of bad for it.  We've all just been spoiled by 75-90% off everything and will turn our noses up at a mere 50%.  Or will we? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

First Fall weekend

Today is the 2nd official day of Fall, which means that I feel I have used some restraint in waiting a day to make something pumpkin :) grin.  This morning I baked a couple loaves of pumpkin bread with a cream cheese swirl.  I found the recipe last year on Pinterest and made it a couple times.  This year, it's just as yummy!
pumpkin cream cheese bread

So yesterday I had planned on going to a scrapbooking thing but it was cancelled.  What's a girl to do?  Hmmm.  Get a pumpkin spice latte from Starbuck's and go to Joann's.  There is a new store opening in town so the old store is having a liquidation sale because they won't be taking any old stuff to the new store.  Which means everything is 75% right now!!!!!  I mean, really, how could I NOT go?  It was packed in there!  I came away with some fun fabric, lots of thread and a bunch of other stuff for like 35 doll-hairs!
I bought some ribbon to finally finish the Steeler's wreath I started last year!  This is actually 2 wreath layered together. 

steelers wreath

Went home, finished the quilt top I'm working on. (pics later when said quilt is finished) Today I finished the back and have called it good.  Thursday night I'm going to take advantage of the tables at another scrapbooking event to baste the layers together and then most likely quilt it all up next weekend!

On a side note, I had bought a book on cd on a whim at the library book sale and have really enjoyed listening to it while sewing!  Now I know why hubs likes the audio books so much.  Talk about multi-tasking. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

back from the beach

Yikes!  I have neglected my blog!  Sorry about that.  What have I been up to?  A little pickling: pickles enjoying farmer's market: berries and toms And some much needed down time with my Mom at the beach! So much fun! We went to Ft. Bragg, CA last weekend and it was v. nice. Here was our view from the hotel room. Beautiful. view from hotel We found a really nice beach with the help of a local and it was just perfect. beach My Mom may or may not kill me for this picture, but I think it's cute!
100_3189[1] We did some bird watching. They were hilarious! caw Mom did some reading while I did some knitting. knitting on the beach We also trolled around Mendocino which was nice. There were some really cool shops. We also went to see Finding Nemo in 3D, which was awesome! Mom hadn't been to a 3D movie and this was only the 2nd one I had been to and we really enjoyed it. I loved sitting next to Mom listening to her laugh, she hadn't seen it before so it was fun to see her reactions :) All around it was a great trip!

ps: if you ever go to Ft Bragg you have to check out Egghead's for breakfast, it's sooooo good.  The smallest seating areas you've ever been in but worth it.  And now I must learn how to make garlic swirled crepes and it's their fault :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

to pickle or bust

Today I checked out the farmer's market hoping to find cucumber to pickle.  One of the ladies I work with had been there last weekend and said she had gotten a whole bunch.  I got there a bit later than I had thought I would and at first was kind of disappointed that I missed the boat.  There were cucumbers at a few vendors but they were either too big or not the right kind.  I asked at one booth and he said they were just starting to produce and to check back next week.  Huh.  I took another turn hoping I'd missed something somewhere.  I asked at the very last booth and she said "in the cooler."  Score!  I picked out about 70 cukes, some jalepenos and garlic.  Next stop was the grocery store and I got the very last bunch of dill!  I've never garned so much attention as when I was walking through the store with that giant (and I do mean giant) bunch of dill!  I had no less than 5 people comment!  It was hilarious.  One guy wanted to go with me home to make pickles!  Now I just need to find some grapes leaves and I'll be good to go.  There are some vines up the road so I'm going to stop and ask if I can have a branch - wish  me luck!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Holy smokes!  The air is so smoky up here!  Yikes!  Looking out my window this morning it was so thick it looked almost like fog.  My allergies are letting me know they no likey.  In spite of the yuck I have gotten a lot done this weekend with plenty of nothin' in between!  One of the ladies at work brought in bags of fresh basil from her garden on Friday and I was lucky to snag a bag!  I made fresh pesto last night using this recipe.  I did add another couple of sprigs of basil in addition to the 2 cups the recipe called for.  I had never made this before and it was really easy with my food processor.  I also baked up a couple loaves of yellow squash bread subbing crushed pineapple for oil and adding some shredded coconut.  It turned out really yummy.  For dinner I had put a veggie lasagna in the oven before making the pesto - multitasking :) 

Today I have chicken enchiladas cooking up in the crock pot to take to a family who just had a baby who has breathing issues.  And I made two loaves of zucchini bread subbing applesauce for the oil and I added carob chips.  I was a little heavier handed with those than I had intended.  The first couple handfuls just sunk into the batter and looked like there were hardly any, soooo naturally I added another couple handfuls.  I'm thinking those will last a bit longer since they will be so sweet.

It's funny because unless I'm sewing something I usually feel like I haven't gotten much done.  But, I did get the house clean yesterday and all that baking.  Today I did sew some hexagons while watching a movie so I guess I have accomplished something by my own standards!  I am making a table topper, like a circular-ish one with fall fabrics for the hexagons.  I embroidered a few of them for the very center, I think it will turn out cute.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

another bunny

It's funny to me that it seems like all I want to do is knit!  I am totally digging sitting out in my adirondack chair in the shade with the dogs running amok in the back yard.  It's just perfect.  I decided that Max, the bunny that I had knit before needed a mate - you know, since they're bunnies :)  So, here's Vi.  Like I do with every creature I make I think of a story in my head.  Vi likes to play the violin while Max reads classic literature in his study with his pipe.  100_3176[1]100_3177[1] They are quite a sweet little couple of bunnies.
Not sure if you can tell but her eyes are purple.  I had bought them awhile ago for the amigurumi that I was making and have really enjoyed the colors.  You can find them here.  It's sort of hard to find a good safety eye.  For Vi and Max's sweater, I used this pattern and I have just loved it.  V. Easy to follow and the outcome is cute.
I have been working on the vintage sheet quilt but have hit a wall.  I have one white sheet left and I'm hesitating to cut into it because it's in really good shape and has a pretty rose pattern across the top so I've been debating whether I actually want to use it.  I looked at Goodwill but so far no luck.  And, I've been thinking that I might be moving on to another baby quilt.  I've been looking for the perfect pattern, which I may have found so the vs quilt may be on the shelf for a bit.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

a godstop moment

Last night was bible study, we've been doing a study called "A Heart Like His" which is another Beth Moore study.  It's an older one, one of the first ones she did I think.  I hesitate to write this post because I don't want anyone to worry about me or be offended or take it personally because if you're reading this then it has nothing to do with you.  Trust me.  I'm a pretty up front kind of person so if I feel something I would have told you.  I'm going to be speaking in generalities. 
So, back to the study.  She was saying how God wants us to have certain connections with people, like we should have a multitude (church group), a group (like the group of disciples was to Jesus), a few close friends to keep us accountable, and then a relationship with God.  He wants us to interract with people and share our gifts with each other.  The whole study for me was hitting the mark.  It's so easy to be a hermit.  So easy.  My dogs love me no matter what, I don't have to explain anything or be funny or talk or listen or anything.  But people, they are a whole other story for me.  So, I withdraw.  I haven't been going to church, so strikeout multitude for me, and go ahead and take away the group too.  What that leaves is my bible study.  I almost didn't go last night because sometimes I feel disconnected there too.  I notice that I am not in the loop of their lives.  Is it because I don't text?  Is it because I don't call?  I don't know, it's probably a lot of reasons and not just me because my phone isn't ringing either.  Then she (Beth Moore) gets to the part in the study about the relationship with God and how he draws us in and if we hang back and try to just stay with our friends then we will become frustrated with them........uh, what?  Dang it!  I was caught!  Here I was just doing that, getting annoyed at my friends, and yes my family for not reaching out to me (even though I could reach out too, I realize)!!!!  Gah!  Now what?  My whole life I have been afraid to be close to anyone, really close.......and that would include God.  I start to get close and I run.  There are only a few people who have stuck by me.  So that was last night and I'm still processing it.  Mulling it.  I am thanking God that he hasn't given up on me, because frankly we've been circling this issue for years.  Me, knowing I need to draw close and sort of getting there and then pulling back, God revisiting in different ways and mediums (music, books, videos) and on and on.
And then, there's the whole thing of this video being recorded in like 1997!  It's on vhs even.  The timing is nuts.  Like how could God know that last night I needed that message that was recorded almost 15 years ago, and that we picked that study because one of the other ladies wanted to specifically do it, and I just happened to be along for the ride?  But, God is just like that.  He knows.  And as much as sometimes I just chalk things up to coincidence or fate or luck or whatever, I know that last night was perfectly timed. 
Welp, I think I've rambled enough here.  You get the picture.   I had a moment last night that got my attention, nuff said. :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

fall inspiration

I haven't done any swaps for quite awhile and thought I'd get back into it and signed up for a fat quarter swap. I'm glad I did because one of my partners sent me a whole half yard of a fun fall print! Lucky me :) This week I also rec'd the fall issue of my quilting magazine that 3 squares I wanted to try: Peace and plenty, windblown and big dipper.  I felt like I had no other choice than to make the squares and then once I had they looked like they needed to be a table runner!  Perfect because then it gave me the chance to use my new darning foot for my old machine and free motion quilt!  100_3170[1]100_3171[1] I like the way it turned out and it was nice to finish a project pretty quickly. I know I've said it before but those little blocks, each one was 6" finished, are such a pain! Too fussy.  But, I like the way it turned out, the tree triangles are from the fabric that was sent in the swap.
Yesterday I went to the book sale that the library has on the weekends and scored some books on CD.  Hubs likes to listen to them so I try and pick them up when I can.  I had not ever gotten anything for myself because I usually prefer music while I'm sewing.  But, I picked up a book by Lauren Weisberger called Chasing Harry Winston and put that on while I was sewing.  I liked it!  I found myself pausing every so often just to listen which is funny because I usually only pause when I'm stuck for inspiration!  I'm about halfway through, and I'd say it's a good read (listen).  She is the same author that wrote The Devil Wears Prada, which I also liked.
Okay, lets talk about something random.  Have you ever found yourself dreaming, daydreaming, fantasizing about doing something and picturing yourself doing something but then never actually doing it?  I would say that I'm a big dreamer.  There are lots of things that I conjure up in my imagination. One is that I dream of being a runner.  But, even though I've had vivid dreams of my feet pounding the pavement I don't ever actually do it.  There are lots of reasons I don't, the biggest reason being that I'm embarassed.  I know I am my own worst enemy.  So, I'm going to try and break out of this, I'm going to start super small and see what happens.  Is there anything you dream of doing - even something mundane - but hold yourself back from doing?  I say, do it!  Start small so you don't get overwhelmed and then just see what happens.  Nothing illegal though, because frankly I don't want to be anyone's inspiration for that - lol :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

one the design wall now

Okay, so you know how my singer pooped out and I'm using my super old metal machine? It's been great and all but I was getting really worried that I would not be able to free motion quilt with it. I stopped into the vacuum/sewing machine repair shop and they had a low shank darning foot and it works! So excited. And, looking for something to really test it out with rather than a test square. Awhile ago I participated in an online quilting bee with vintage sheets. Before sending out a square I would usually do a test square since I was very, very new to quilting and didn't want to send complete crap to someone. I saved the squares thinking that they might make a fun sampler quilt. Perfect for a quick to put together project, right? That's what I thought, too :) Here's what I have so far: 100_3168[1] You can see the top row is bordered with white and the rest is sort of jumbled. At first I was wanting it to be all jumbled but my mind could not wrap around it. I'm blaming it on hat big house square.  It was actually bigger but I cut it down to 16 inches.  So, that is what is setting the standard for the rest of the squares.  So, I'm just sort of arranging them and then adding the white until it measures 16" and I think once it's all together they will still retain some "floati-ness".   It's funny because a few of the squares, the starburst at the bottom right, the butterfly, and the cat, were all testers for my month.  I wasn't sure what to do for my month and those were ideas that didn't make it.  Then, I had a stack of 5" squares and I thought I'd put them in as fillers between the others and that's kind of been fun.  That granny square at the top right was a pain in the bazoo, I'll tell you that! 
What else is new?  Well, I hate earwigs for one thing!  They are disgusting, vile creatures!  Why would I feel so strongly towards them?  Because they are eating my poor little zucchini plant!!!!!  BAH.  So, the war is on.  They struck first.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oh Jane

You know how it is when you see a movie, read a book, or some sort of art or media or song or whatever just catches you and holds you and sticks? I knew I loved Jane Eyre from the movies. I didn't realize exactly how much until I read the book. I want to crawl into the book and live there. The cadence is wonderful. I came across this line and it really captures, for me, why I love it: "This was very pleasant; there is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow-creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort." This quote comes about after coming home to the first place where she's felt love and acceptance. I think that many of us have grown up in homes where we are loved, at least somewhat. Imagine not feeling like anyone loved you ever and you were a burden to their very existence in life. That was Jane's reality until she came to this home. There, she was an addition to their comfort, not a detraction. I love that. I love rooting for a character and being truly pleased that finally she gets to feel loved. I think that all of us, even grumpy people who may not want to admit it, want to know that we are loved and that even our presence is a comfort. Like, just walking into a room will make someone else happy and content. I'm still mulling this story, these characters, the it all. In case you haven't noticed, I'd totally recommend reading this book!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

bunny cuteness

I finished this knitted bunny a few weeks, possibly a month ago?  His name is Max.  I brought him home from work so I could take a couple pics for the ol' blog and where did I find him?  In a tree!  LOL 100_3166[1] I guess the kitchen was too boring :) 100_3165[1] I foung the pattern on Ravelry, it was for fuzzy mitten lamb and I just modified the ears.  Okay, and now I have something shocking to tell you - I bought a pdf pattern!  I know, I know.  I have reiterated several times that I'm too cheap to buy one, but this bunny really needed a sweater!  I had seen on this blog, Flutterby Patch some really cute bunnies and as usual tucked it away in my conciousness.  After knitting up this bun I bought this pattern and it was worth it!  Really easy to follow directions and perfect dimensions for Max.  I will eventually make a female companion for him :)
I had a surprise package waiting for me on the porch when I got home, from Mom so I knew it would be something fun.  It was heavy so I was thinking book?  Opened it and was so happy to find this picture:
100_3156[1] It is one of my favorites, ever! Love it. I put it right up on the wall. There were also, indeed, books: 100_3162[1] And fun fabric: 100_3159[1]100_3157[1] Love it. Today I am enjoying the nice weather, have repotted a couple plants and finished Jane Eyre this morning. Oh how I lvoe that book! I ordered myself a copy because I can't imagine that I won't want to read it several hundred more times!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Okay, this is a phot catch up sort of post because I have been slacking a bit in the uploading area as of late. So, first up is a pic of how long my hair was before the chop. 100_3141[1] And, this is the after.  Nice up the nose shot, dontcha think?    This was taken right after the cut, I had been scrapbooking, took a break for the haircut, went back, snapped a pic and got back to scrapbooking.  I donated the ponytail to Locks of Love which is for cancer to make wigs.  Total length was about 12 inches!  100_3142[1] And, I started this quilt on a whim.  I wanted a quick project and a lady in our bible study is pregnant. I don't know if she'll really like it so much because I recall her saying that the nursery is going to be primary colors. But, I really like the way it turned out and figure that anyone can use an extra quilt, right? 100_3145[1] Here's the back.  I basically just copied the quilt I had just finished, the ugly fabric quilt.  These were taken prior to adding on the binding because I was having a little trouble picking a color.  I wanted to use something from my stash to avoid spending any moolah.  But, I really had my heart set on turquoise and had none in my stash.  So, I ended up buying more fabric anyway but had a good coupon.  So, imagine it with turquoise binding :)100_3146[1] I'll leave you with this, a picture of one of the flowers on my squash plants!!!!  I am so excited!  The other plants are also doing well but this is the first one to flower.  Isn't it beautiful?100_3154[1] Okay, I can't resist a dog picture!  I was snapping pics of my plants and the boys had to be in the middle of it.  You'll notice my jenky set up here with the plants elevated.  That's because those little stinkers finally noticed the plants and felt the need to try and help with watering if you know what I mean!  Argh!100_3151[1]Okay,  that's all for now, I've got to go get ready for a wedding!  Hope you all have a fab weekend!  It's nice and sunny and warm here and in the 80's - perfect!