Tuesday, October 2, 2012

pink and girly

Tonight I feel like I'm playing hooky.  Tonight is book club but I didn't/couldn't go because I didn't read the chapters.  Wanna know what kept me from reading this weekend?  A little baby quilt :) baby quilt It's just pinned up on my "design wall" so excuse the fabric peeking from behind. Speaking of behind, here's the back view: back This is going to be for a lady that I work with who is having a girl. When I asked what her color scheme was she said pink. Theme, anything girly. Huh. So this is what I came up with, I added eyelet lace around the binding. binding and borderfolded quilt I really like the way it turned out! My sewing machine was reeeeealllly testing my sanity though. I got about 1/4 of it done when it started not catching the bobbin thread. So, I stopped for awhile (went to Joann's for retail therapy) and then came back to it. Then it started chopping off the thread after quilting a few inches. huh. Okay so I changed the needle to a new one. Same thing. Well, maybe the machine didn't like that brand needle? No problem, I have more. Nope. I pushed through, not getting angry.........and then it started both problems at the same time and cutting off the thread like every inch or so. Yikes. Sanity. Slipping. Away. I took a little coffee break. I don't usually drink coffee in the afternoon. Then I remembered my old machine that I killed. What if it wasn't truly dead? What if it just needed a 6 month hiatus? Yessiree. It sqeaks, but it works and I finished up the quilt with it. So, all that to say that I didn't quite fit in any reading time because my mental health was teetering a little. I'm fine now, though :)

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