Thursday, September 20, 2012

back from the beach

Yikes!  I have neglected my blog!  Sorry about that.  What have I been up to?  A little pickling: pickles enjoying farmer's market: berries and toms And some much needed down time with my Mom at the beach! So much fun! We went to Ft. Bragg, CA last weekend and it was v. nice. Here was our view from the hotel room. Beautiful. view from hotel We found a really nice beach with the help of a local and it was just perfect. beach My Mom may or may not kill me for this picture, but I think it's cute!
100_3189[1] We did some bird watching. They were hilarious! caw Mom did some reading while I did some knitting. knitting on the beach We also trolled around Mendocino which was nice. There were some really cool shops. We also went to see Finding Nemo in 3D, which was awesome! Mom hadn't been to a 3D movie and this was only the 2nd one I had been to and we really enjoyed it. I loved sitting next to Mom listening to her laugh, she hadn't seen it before so it was fun to see her reactions :) All around it was a great trip!

ps: if you ever go to Ft Bragg you have to check out Egghead's for breakfast, it's sooooo good.  The smallest seating areas you've ever been in but worth it.  And now I must learn how to make garlic swirled crepes and it's their fault :)

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