I think I've mentioned before that I have very detailed dreams. A lot of times they are like watching science fiction or horror movies. Sometimes they are just plain weird. One thing they are always is exhausting. Confusing. And I usually remember them vividly. Last night I had a dream that was weird and confusing and also had a few food combinations that I feel I should try. Peanut butter and jelly on chocolate chip cookie bread - yes!
At the beginning of the dream Scott was alive. And he was standing behind me and I was leaning on him. Such a comforting, secure feeling. That warmth supporting me, knowing that he had my back, literally. And then the dream changed and he was in a plane crash and died but no one else was even injured and I was so confused how that could happen. And, then I painted myself neon fuschia. Huh. And then it got even more weird and confusing ending with a dessert buffet.
But that feeling, I really miss that feeling. The security. I think that part of the dream came about because I was thinking yesterday that I miss the no judgement discussions we'd have. About politics, religion, everything! And yes I also miss the physical security. I wasn't afraid with him around. He was the biggest, baddest, coolest dude anywhere.
Anyway, no real point here - just life I guess. That's what's happening on Wednesday at my house. Oh, yesterday was "dog day" so I let Joey run around naked! No cone and since his cone is attached to his collar, no collar! He was a free dog!
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