Sunday, February 13, 2011

random randomness

Avo with ears
Avo now has ears! Super cute! For the ears, I actually used a different pattern than the Bernat one and I found it on Ravelry. Here's a link.  I did end up modifying it, I doubled the amound of cast-on stitches to 12 and after the first increase did 3 rows instead of 1.  I found that this made the "knobbles" as she calls them bigger to fit my monsters size better.  I do intend to make arms and legs but am giving my hands a little break.  I don't want to sound like a crybaby but my right hand really cramps up trying to manuever the smaller needles and pull the yarn nice and tight.
So, I'm thinking I might do something totally color random.  I don't know if I can actually do it or not though.  I really liked the look and feel of the last runner I made with the vintage sheets and thought it would be nice to have a quilt in that style.  I started cutting out rectangles 12" x 3.5" and I was thinking maybe I might just pull from the stack and sew them together without laying it out first.  I am just cutting one rectangle from every fat quarter and sheet that I have in my stash so there will be a great variety of colors and patterns.  Well, let's face it, mostly floral :)  I have a little bit of a color order issue though, so it might not happen.  I like to have my colors either in color order or a certain repetetive pattern.  I mean, geez I have to put my skittles in color order to eat them.  My closet is in color order.  The pins on my pin cushion, my fabric stacks.  I just can't help it, my eye automatically starts to rearrange things into a pattern.  Does anyone else do that???

In a completely unrelated thought I was thinking that I might try fasting.  I honestly don't think I can fast from food and water for any large amount of time - I'm a hungry kind of person!  But you know how people give something up for lent for like what 40 days or something like that???  I wonder if I could do it?  And make it something I really want, like candy, so every time I wanted it I'd need to ask God for the strength to say no.  Maybe at the end of the 40 days I wouldn't even want it anymore???   I don't know if that's even possible because I have a horrible sweet tooth.  What do you think?

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