Friday, April 30, 2010

pinwheel squares

pinwheel square #1
Originally uploaded by colimachia
Okay, so for the vintage sheet bee, this was the first try. It came out too big! It was supposed to be 12.5 inches square and it was 14! I did cut it down to 13 and then didn't have the heart to keep cutting. For these squares Jane sent us all some of the light yellow and another piece, the one with the tulips if you can pick that one out. She said her fav colors are pink, blue, yellow, and green, so that's what I based the other fabrics I picked from on. So, then I made square #2:
pinwheel square #2And, guess what? It was too small! Bah! Starting to feel a little bit like Goldilocks with the three bears. So, I added the border. I was trying really hard to get all my triangles to line up. The conclusion that I've come to is that I just don't think that's entirely possible for me! I think they turned out okay, I like #2 better. It will be fun to see what the final quilt looks like! These two are going in the mail to-day to Jane! Hope she likes at least one of them!


janice said...

They look great! The one I made for her has a border like that, so they'll go together. I didn't have the patience to figure out exactly how big to make my pieces so that it came out right.

roseylittlethings said...

They turned out great, mine was too small at first so I had to add a border too! ha