Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rock and Worship summary

And so, I am finally posting pics from the Rock and Worship Roadshow. So, basically it is a pay at the door type concert on a huge scale, all Christian artists. This year it was in the Rose Garden, which is a huge arena. We arrived at 8 am in the morning to wait at the door, which is really worth it because we got great seats in like the 6th row on the floor! The weather this year was eons better than last, the sun was out and pretty mild. The first band in the line up was Sidewalk Prophets, and they were really really good! I think they only did like 2 or 3 songs and I wished they could have done more!The second band was Remedy Drive, they were quite enthusiastic. No pics, sorry.Next up was Fee, and they were really really good also. I actually have their album but liked them better live. It's weird how that is sometimes. But, definitely a great band. Next up was Francesca Battistelli, she was so cute! Great voice, huge for such a tiny little thing! I think she's better suited to a smaller venue though, she was kind of lost on stage.
Okay, I'm bummed I didn't get pics of the next band, Family Force 5, because they totally ROCKED! I was too busy dancing to take pics, and frankly that's really saying something because I'm soooo not a dancer! They were so awesome. When they first came out on the stage in the purple matching attire, I thought "Whatintheworld?" And then the show began. Honestly I don't even know how to describe them to give them the justice they deserve! So entertaining, awesome music, and funny. All the kids there just loved them. I was the only one in the group I went with who liked them. Their music was closest to what I liked in my BC days - which was just joy for me to find something I wouldn't feel guilty for liking.
After FF5 I was thinking, how in the world can you follow them??? Well, David Crowder Band did that and more! David Crowder is flippin hilarious and their music is totally awesome. I had been looking forward to seeing them the most, and they did not disappoint! The best part, I think, is that they didn't have a flashy stage show - the music spoke for itself. So cool.Last, but not least, was Mercy Me. Sorry, the pic isn't so good. They were also at the last show, I'm pretty sure it was their idea. I was also looking forward to seeing them again because they put on a great live performance. The lead singer, Bart Millard, lost his voice that night. Can I please tell you how amazing it was to hear everyone in the arena singing along to every single song??? It was beautiful. Even I was singing.....! I know, right??? I never sing. When anyone can hear me, that is. I had actually asked God the night before to let me be able to worship him properly. So, sorry Bart Millard, it was my fault you lost your voice! But, that night I needed to worship God. And have fun doing it!!! I don't think the two have to be separate. Yes, there is reverent worship, but I think God wants more from us, because he is not boxed in to our "churchy" expectations. Think about it, if you had a relationship with someone and you only expected to do one kind of thing with them it would be pretty boring, right? You'd find someone else to do the other things you like to do with. God is not like that - He wants everything, he wants us to find enjoyment in Him, confide in Him, to trust Him, to laugh with Him, on and on and on and on! Check out Ecclesiates 3! The whole passage explains what I'm saying perfectly, but check verse 4:

"a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,"
As for Family Force 5, I think this verse sums up rather well:
Jeremiah 31:4b
"Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful,"
Cuz, that's pretty much what it was all about that night!

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