I forgot about something tragic that happened this weekend! I had a little collection of sweet plates on the wall in the dining room. Two little floral-y pink ones and one with sorta sage-y green around the edge that really set the other two off. Wouldn't you know that I bumped the green one off the wall and broke it!!!! Wah! I never had noticed before that it was a limoges plate from France, with the marking of S&G San Francisco. I have had that plate probably since I was in high school since before I cared about things like that! Oh! such a horrible thing - I will never be able to replace it! Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do with the broken pieces??? I saved them thinking MAYBE I could glue it back together -but it would just look too tacky! I have put a temporary replacement plate up, it's yellow and got all kinds of Oregon landmarks on it. Just not the same...........
On a lighter note - now I'm on the hunt for a proper replacement!
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My mom used to save broken plates and things to make a table or something with. I guess you glue the pieces into something, maybe some kind of cement???? and it makes a pretty table top.
Did you see that etsy shop that makes pendants from the broken pieces? very cute.i've seen mosaic table tops and garden foot stones. i'd love to see a photo of the plate patter. it'd give me more ideas.
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