Saturday, December 20, 2014

O Christmas tree....

Well, I changed my mind rather suddenly today and bought a Christmas tree.  I was not even thinking about it.  I was going to the grocery store and somehow found myself at Michael's craft store and then looking for a tree.  They only had 3 left in the store that were all 7 feet and I didn't want that big of one yet.  So, on autopilot I drove across the street to Joann's and asked where the trees are and the girl said she thought they were all gone.  She said earlier they were down to two.  So, I thought that's that.  But tucked in a corner with label hidden I found the very last tree!!!!  It's small, just 4 feet so it fits on a table top nicely.  It is pre-lit with white lights but I like the colorful ones so I just strung up lights I already have. 
And then went looking for my ornaments.  Our ornaments.  

I had sort of forgotten what I would find in the ornament box.  I have quite a few Hallmark ornaments that are dated and special.  Lots of little ballerinas, mini snowflake ballerinas.  Fishing ornaments, a flying duck, a truck for Scott.  And, towards the bottom were the personalized ones.  Oh.  I can't explain how thankful I have these!  Yes, I cried.  And then was thankful and happy to have the memories.
This cute reindeer one is dated 1999 which would have been while Scott was in Korea and I was waiting for him in Tennessee.  His mom, Sue, for a few years sent us personalized ornaments.  And with a name like mine, I loved them extra special because I have never found my name on anything personalized in a store!  Bahahaha!

This little cutie says "Our first Christmas together" and funny thing is that it's dated 1997 which was technically our second Christmas together!  This was the Christmas right before we got married.  I also found the glass pickle ornament that I bought in Gatlinburg, TN.  So many memories.  

And, I have to say I really like the way it looks all decorated and lit up.  It's rather cheery.

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