Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weight Loss......ummm Thursday?

Whoops! I didn't get my post done yesterday...sort of forgot all about it! But, if I had posted yesterday I would have posted that I have held the same, no weight lost. Since I'm posting today, though, I can happily share that I am down 1lb!!!! Last week I only went to spin 2 times and didn't get to the gym any other days because I was feeling crummy. This week I'm back on track - I went to spin Tuesday and last night and am signed up for tonight. Tonight I am also intending on trying an abs class. Linde goes to it and she said it kills, so that might be just what I need!

If you'd like to join in on Weight Loss Wednesday, you are more than welcome to, no matter how much you need to lose! Pop over to Jennifer's blog to sign up!


Jenna Z said...

Way to go! Ew, spinning? I tried that once and will never go back! Ouch! But some people really seem to love it!

roseylittlethings said...

way to go, you are doing great!!!