Thursday, February 11, 2010


I know, I know! Two posts in one day? What in the world! But, I wanted to share one of my "inspiration" dresses. I was digging through my fabric stash this weekend and I unearthed this dress. I know, the zipper is atrocious! I've always hated to put in zippers, especially without a zipper foot! And button holes....but anyways! I made it in high school and I've held onto it all these many moons because I love the fabric. And always in the back of my mind thought, maybe some day it will fit again. I have two such dresses. I'll get a pic of the other one later. What else is funny about this dress is that I still have the vintage pattern that I made it from....from 1973. I'm fairly sure that I bought it at a yard sale that my Mom would have dragged me to. Back in the day I HATED yard sales and thrift stores or any such thing! Loathed them. But, now, that's all a different story :)

1 comment:

thebabykitties said...

AHHH I love that dress!