Tuesday, December 15, 2009

pants and TobyMac

The not as exciting part first - I made Jan a pair of pajama pants for her birthday. Yes, I felt extraordinarily chintzy giving homemade pj pants, but what the hay. She seemed to like them okay (?) but I'm not a good judge of that kind of thing.
now onto the exciting part:
Last Saturday I went to check my email. Completely unsuspecting of anything cool in my inbox. And then! There was an email that I had won two tickets to the TobyMac Winter Wonder Slam tour, and the tickets were in the third row!!!! What?!? I never win anything! But, it was true! I had entered a raffle on KLOVE because I am a KLOVE insider. So, it was TobyMac, Relient K, and Stephanie Smith. I'll be honest, I actually had to think about if I was really going to go - for a few reasons. First, it's a 4.5 hour drive on a perfect day, and we just had a giant snow storm. And the concert was on Sunday night and I have to work at 8 am on Monday morning. And then gas money was also a factor, since it is such a long drive. And, I would have to go alone because everyone I asked thought I was crazy. But then I was like - wait a minute! This is a concert that I had been dying to go to, awesome tickets, and I'm only young once!!!! So I went and it was totally cool. The drive wasn't so bad - like 4.5 hours on the way there even with slowing down on the pass for packed snow. On the drive back it was more like 5 because I took it reeeealllly slow. I got home at like 2:30am, and I would say it was worth it. I was a really good show! It was great because you could tell that they were having fun up there on stage, not just putting on a show. I love his music so it was cool to see it performed live.

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