Monday, October 26, 2015

vintage sheet star quilt

So Saturday I made this quilt top!  It is entirely vintage sheets.  I had gotten a few last month at that rummage sale and there were two flat sheets exactly the same.  Initially I thought I'd sew them together with batting and use that as a couch quilt.  But! Then I remembered a tutorial I saw years (?) ago from Jeni at In Color Order blog that was a giant vintage sheet star quilt.  I have included the link, just click on those words and check out the tute or the blog as there are lots of great ideas.

But anyway! Saturday I intended to organize the craft house since that is a never ending project. Uggggggg.  I started to fold my vintage sheets and put them on the one shelf and pulled aside some bigger pieces.  And chopped them up.  And sewed them together and then there you go, a quilt top!  That's technically organizing, right?  ha! 

Yesterday I got the basting done and realized that I wouldn't have time to quilt it so will finish that up next weekend most likely.  Basting is not fun.  Mostly because it hurts my back to do it.  But!  It is so necessary so I do, but have to take a break afterwards.  For the back of this I actually didn't end up using the sheet I had set out to use because the top got to be bigger than that twin size, it's more like full size.  There were all sizes that I got at the rummage sale so it worked out fine.

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