Sunday, October 12, 2014


I started a new project - cuz I really needed one, right?  I couldn't resist it though.  I've been going on about it being Fall and everything that feels fallish to me seems like I should be making it.  One of the blogs I read is one of the two ladies of The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery.  Last week the first picture of her blog post was this adorable turkey pattern!  And it looked small and manageable to try.  I've been admiring their patterns for a long time but I'm not much of a cross stitcher so have not wanted to take on one of the bigger items.  But they're SO CUTE!  

Anyhow, I saw the picture and was like eeeeeee!  And bought the pattern.  I have tons of embroidery thread that I've acquired and also aida cloth.  So, I went through my stash and picked out colors that are *close* to the pattern.  So even though I did spend money on the pattern I'm still staying in my parameters I set for myself of not buying fabric/craft items until I've checked my stash first.  It's a win.

I started it last night and this is how much I've gotten of the turkey body.  I put on a knitting podcast and stitched.
 So this morning while I was trying to get the above picture, George kept getting in the middle of everything = big surprise, right?  baha!  Silly kitty.  So, I got the picture and then she jumped back up on the table and laid down right on top of the whole lot.
Yesterday I did not leave the house at all.  Well, I did go from the house to the craft house. But I don't really count that.  haha.  I'm so, so, so close to finishing all the squares on my modern maples quilt.  I have 3 squares left to finish and I'm mulling over what colors I want those leaves to be.  I'll add pictures later once they are finished.

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