Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trolling the yard sales

These are all of the votive candle holders that I have found recently at either thrift stores or yard sales. There are multiples of some of them, but I didn't take a pic of the whole lot of them. I am hoping to find some more pink, frosted white, and possibly blue holders. I love the hobnail ones, and the frilly amber colored one is cool.

Then, I found this suitcase holder thing that is going to go in my spare room once I finally put away my craft things :)

This is a little gold glittered deer that will be cute for Christmas. Unfortunately it is missing one eye, so I am going to replace that and add more gold glitter. Also, the "Sanctuary" plaque that I don't quite know where I am going to put yet - I'm sure I'll find some place!

So, lastly I found this doll that at first glance reminded me of a Blythe doll. I have been looking into buying one, but just haven't been able to bring myself to spend the $100-odd dollars for a doll. But, I kept thinking how fun to dress and knit little hats, sweaters and make clothes for it would be. So, we (Jan and I) were at a rummage sale and this was mixed in with the Barbies on a table. I grabbed it and almost put it back, her hair was badly in need of a brushing and there is a pen smudge under her hair on her scalp. But, she has such a sweet face and I love dolls - and she was like 50 cents or something crazy cheap like that! I did a little research and she is a "Diva Starz" doll named Alexa (the glow in the dark version) and she has a stamp that dates 2001. The dolls were only made between the end of 2000 and 2003. The dress she's wearing is actually her skirt, which was kind of long and I thought it'd be cute as a little strapless dress. The tank top she came in has a blue butterfly on it. I'm not sure if I will keep the name of Alexa, I had thought at first maybe Zoe - I'll keep you updated. I have QUITE a few projects ahead of making clothes and stuff for her, but it will be fun when I get around to it! I love her long eyelashes :)

1 comment:

SinlessTouch said...

I love dolls too. You got a hell of a bargain for all the stuff that you brought.