Monday, June 30, 2008

Algae dipping

So, last Sunday I took one of the little boats out on the pond and rowed to the other side (it's about a 1/2 mile one way?) and then floated back to the boat dock and did my bible study. It was a nice workout there and then a relaxing float back. Yesterday looked pretty clear so I thought I'd do it again. But yesterday the wind was going the other way! So, I got to the other side lickety split and was stuck. I would row like mad but with the wind resistance I was getting nowhere fast. I was up against the side shore and with the waves and wind jostling the boat I started to get seasick. If you have ever gotten seasick (which I have) you know this is bad news! So I started to panic that I was going to be vomitting with a quickness. Since I was already docked at the shore I thought I should get out and just pull the boat along the shore. I started to step out of the boat and the boat started to float away - not a graceful departure. This idea worked well until I came upon some trees and the rope was not long enough to pull the boat along. So, I thought I'd just get back in the boat - well that didn't work either! The boat almost capsized! Water got all in the boat and got my bible study book soaked! BAH! Oh, and me soaked as well - but I thought, I'm already in the water and it's shallow so I'll just walk along with the boat trailing. Well - since the lake is full of algae I could not see the bottom, and though I was careful I kept bumping into large rocks. Then, it got really deep in parts so I had so swim holding the boat rope. Now, I never properly learned how to swim, so really I was doing what I call the frog stroke, which was appropriate given the amount of algae. LOL. I did finally make it back to the boat dock - it took awhile. And what a workout! I asked God to help me lose weight, and it is so true that you should be careful what you ask for! Answered prayers might come in a form that you don't expect or necessarily want! So, today I am sore, bruised and tired. WAH! But I made it, and next time I will only be rowing against the wind so I can make sure I will get back easily! And no, it's NOT like skinny dipping! LOL, although back in the day I did my fair share of that.......


roseylittlethings said...

getting sea sick is the WORST! Glad you made it safely back to shore!!

Qtpies7 said...

Oh my! I will for sure not be asking God to help me lose weight, lol! I don't enjoy pain.