Sunday, March 1, 2015

makin cards

Here's a snapshot of what I am doing this afternoon.  Making thank you cards and watching podcasts.  I was given lots of love in the form of flowers this week after Joey died, so I'm making some cards.  There is a bouquet in the picture above and another bouquet in the picture below.

 These are two of the bouquets that were on my desk at work, I brought home the daffodils which are SO big, bright, and cheery.  Not pictured is a potted flower that is also gorg.
 I picked up Joey's cremains yesterday from the vet's office.  I have to say that my vet's office is pretty much awesome.  The cremains were put in a nice wooden box with a pamphlet about losing a pet.  Also, a super sweet card that everyone in the office signed.  Joey loved, LOVED going to the vet's office so everyone there really loved him and took such good care of him.  When we'd go into the exam room Joey would jump right up into one of the chairs like a person and wait for the doctor. I found this picture of Joey that I snapped on my ipod that is not great quality but I love it.  This is his normal, happy face that I must have tricked out of him because normally when I'd try and get a picture he'd get super serious!  Love this face.

Anyway.  Nothing exciting happening here which is just fine by me, frankly.  I'm about a 1/2 inch away from the heels on my socks.  Oh!  I finished that book I started, The Scorch Trials.  I'm not sure if I really liked it?  I'm kind of feeling like what is the point?  The writing is fine but I'm not figuring the story out, which I think is the point.  I hope the next book has some sort of explanation for everything.  I'm going to start the last book tonight.

Hope you all have a great week!  I'm looking forward to a peaceful, uneventful week :)

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