Sunday, October 28, 2012

quilt challenge voting

And so, voting is open for the "In the Bag Ugly Fabric Challenge".  I am #32 in case anyone wanted to vote for me :)  Voting is open for one week, so if you do feel like voting you can check it out here.  The pictures on the blog are kinda small, so this is what the front looks like:
front view tumbling jewels and the back view: back view tumbling jewels

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

and then it snowed.

There are just some days when I wake up and I'm like, what in the world? Today I peeped out the window and this: 100_3250[1] Um, did someone dump powdered sugar everywhere? 100_3251[1] Oh, that's right. I forgot. I live somewhere that has snowed on the 4th of July. I should not be surprised. Good news is that the weather changes so fast that everything was melted off probably by 9 am. Thank God for heaters, huh? So, I have a little confession. I've been in a funk. A blue mood. Just can't shake the doldrums. I'm fine, everything is fine, but I just haven't had much to really blog about. I keep pressing forward with projects and keep myself pretty busy so I don't dwell on anything. I really just need to find a new niche spiritually speaking. My bible study that I've gone to for like 4 years is ending. And I'm not ready for it to end. My church doesn't have anything at night, they only have studies during the day. Last night I went to a different church's study and it felt really disjointed and a little weird. Probably just because it's different than I'm used to. I've been praying for God to let me know where I belong. I really also need to get back to church on Sundays. I've been meaning to but I just savor every minute of my weekends. Speaking of which...... This weekend is the scrapbooking retreat and I am v. much looking forward to it. The last few crops I have not scrapbooked to save up pictures for this weekend. I may also work on some cards, and you know I'll be taking some knitting with me :) It will be good to get out of town a little bit. Jan isn't going, and that's a bummer but there will be other ladies there to keep me company.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

last zucchini

Alright then, in my last post I was totally geeking out.  Still am a little.  I have 2 table runners done and really only one is up to my liking.  I have a fall one and a Christmas one.  The Christmas one I am not completely happy with so we'll see if I'll send it along.  I started another Christmas one, so we'll see if it turns out better.  And really maybe no one will buy anything I have anyway.  Ugh.  This, right now, is exactly why I never wanted to do a craft faire.  The feeling like I could barf and nerves and then feeling like maybe it is good enough and then what if it doesn't sell and then that meaning it wasn't good enough.  Yuck.

Anyways......yesterday I made a veg soup in the crock pot, it was delish.  I picked this little zucchini to add to the soup. Isn't it pretty? LOL I was talking to my Mom yesterday after I had started the soup and I was telling her about the zucchini and she said "I'll bet you took a picture of it." Yep! 100_3248[1] The sad thing is that it froze last night and so did my plants. Boo. So, I have two zucchini that were on those plants that I think are salvageable but the plants are dead. I took this picture of George this week. Every day I come home and she's in the front window and I say "I have a cat in my window!" Nerdy, I know! George in the window So, here's the view of her from the inside looking out.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


OMG!  a lady I work with just offered to let me add stuff to her craft faire booth and I'm sort of freaking out about it right now.  She said if I have anything by November 16th I could add it.  What if I do????  I'm totally geeking out right now.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


So, while Mom and I were at the coast we had cruised over to Mendocino to shop.  There was one particular shop that had a bunch of seasonal stuff.  It took me awhile to decide what I wanted as a souvenir.  This is what I chose:
100_3237[1] It makes me laugh every time! Friday night I checked out the new Joann's store. It is huuuuge! And there is so much new stuff that the old store didn't have. It was so much fun to walk around gawking at everything! I spied this in the Halloween decor and just had to have it. 100_3238[1] Aren't they funny next to each other??? 100_3239[1] Yesterday Jan and I met at the fairgrounds for the annual rummage sale. How much do you think I could stuff into a paper bag for $4? 100_3240[1] This is a little like how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck 100_3242[1] There are 4 white flat sheets that are full and twin sized, a full fitted sheet and a full sized printed sheet. Vintage books with great illustrations, racks to organized under sinks, hangers to hold up quilts. The candle holder and duck planter actually were in one of Jan's 2 bags. It's kind of hard to tell from the picture but the candle holder is like mercury glass.
I also started another quilt. This color scheme has been bouncing around in my head for awhile.  I think it will have another couple rows at the top or bottom.  The bigger flying geese pieces haven't been trimmed down yet, once they are then altogether it's going to be a lot smaller than I had pictured.  I don't know yet if this will be gifted or a charity. quilt.  I only know of one other preggers lady right now and she doesn't know what she's having and I don't really know if this would be her style or not.  I've been using the no waste method of flying geese.  It's pretty easy and fast and you get near perfect geese every time!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

pink and girly

Tonight I feel like I'm playing hooky.  Tonight is book club but I didn't/couldn't go because I didn't read the chapters.  Wanna know what kept me from reading this weekend?  A little baby quilt :) baby quilt It's just pinned up on my "design wall" so excuse the fabric peeking from behind. Speaking of behind, here's the back view: back This is going to be for a lady that I work with who is having a girl. When I asked what her color scheme was she said pink. Theme, anything girly. Huh. So this is what I came up with, I added eyelet lace around the binding. binding and borderfolded quilt I really like the way it turned out! My sewing machine was reeeeealllly testing my sanity though. I got about 1/4 of it done when it started not catching the bobbin thread. So, I stopped for awhile (went to Joann's for retail therapy) and then came back to it. Then it started chopping off the thread after quilting a few inches. huh. Okay so I changed the needle to a new one. Same thing. Well, maybe the machine didn't like that brand needle? No problem, I have more. Nope. I pushed through, not getting angry.........and then it started both problems at the same time and cutting off the thread like every inch or so. Yikes. Sanity. Slipping. Away. I took a little coffee break. I don't usually drink coffee in the afternoon. Then I remembered my old machine that I killed. What if it wasn't truly dead? What if it just needed a 6 month hiatus? Yessiree. It sqeaks, but it works and I finished up the quilt with it. So, all that to say that I didn't quite fit in any reading time because my mental health was teetering a little. I'm fine now, though :)