Sunday, May 13, 2012

takin' it easy

First off, Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there, especially mine :) Hopefully everyone is having a pleasant day. As for me, I've been fairly lazy today. Yesterday was a scrapbooking crop that I went to for most of the day, it was nice. We are trying out a new space and it was really great and the best part - FREE! So, the price is definitely right. This morning I got up pretty late and while the coffee was brewing my eye landed on my crochet basket that contains the granny squares that I started like last year. I dragged it out from behind the end table and started it up again. Once the coffee was done the boys and I moved outside because it is bee-you-tee-ful out! 100_3051[1] Turns out I really only needed one more granny square to finish up a pillow top. Sweet. I joined them all together and then added a couple border rounds. Perfect. 100_3053[1] Rocky and I had to move to the shade because of our fair complexions :) So, the pics are a little shadowed but you get the idea. It's rhubarb season here and I've got a bag full in the fridge. I bought some strawberries and depending on my energy level I may make a batch of jam this afternoon!

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