Monday, June 30, 2008

Algae dipping

So, last Sunday I took one of the little boats out on the pond and rowed to the other side (it's about a 1/2 mile one way?) and then floated back to the boat dock and did my bible study. It was a nice workout there and then a relaxing float back. Yesterday looked pretty clear so I thought I'd do it again. But yesterday the wind was going the other way! So, I got to the other side lickety split and was stuck. I would row like mad but with the wind resistance I was getting nowhere fast. I was up against the side shore and with the waves and wind jostling the boat I started to get seasick. If you have ever gotten seasick (which I have) you know this is bad news! So I started to panic that I was going to be vomitting with a quickness. Since I was already docked at the shore I thought I should get out and just pull the boat along the shore. I started to step out of the boat and the boat started to float away - not a graceful departure. This idea worked well until I came upon some trees and the rope was not long enough to pull the boat along. So, I thought I'd just get back in the boat - well that didn't work either! The boat almost capsized! Water got all in the boat and got my bible study book soaked! BAH! Oh, and me soaked as well - but I thought, I'm already in the water and it's shallow so I'll just walk along with the boat trailing. Well - since the lake is full of algae I could not see the bottom, and though I was careful I kept bumping into large rocks. Then, it got really deep in parts so I had so swim holding the boat rope. Now, I never properly learned how to swim, so really I was doing what I call the frog stroke, which was appropriate given the amount of algae. LOL. I did finally make it back to the boat dock - it took awhile. And what a workout! I asked God to help me lose weight, and it is so true that you should be careful what you ask for! Answered prayers might come in a form that you don't expect or necessarily want! So, today I am sore, bruised and tired. WAH! But I made it, and next time I will only be rowing against the wind so I can make sure I will get back easily! And no, it's NOT like skinny dipping! LOL, although back in the day I did my fair share of that.......

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dorky, I know!

I made a new dress for my doll, Marisol, last night. I absolutely LOVE the fabric. My mom had sent me a box with some cool remnants in it and this was in the box, rolled and tied with a piece of yarn. I remember the fabric from when I was little - not sure what she had made with it but I remember the fabric. The flowers are embossed and a little fuzzy on the pink. I did also attempt to make some shoes for her out of felt since her feet don't fit into barbie shoes, but that failed miserably! Unless I was going for the slipper look, which I wasn't. I also trimmed her hair because I think whatever little girl had her before me did the same in an uneven sort of way. My husband just sort of rolled his eyes when I told him I had made a new dress for her - I had to remind him that he married a dork and there's nothing I can do about that! It's fun to make little clothes - that's always what my favorite part was when I was little as well. That and I loved to make little houses and furniture for my barbies!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Butter Croissant

Is there possibly a way to make a non fattening croissant??? I don't know, but what I do know is that I am LOVING the yummy buttery indulgence I am having with my second cup of coffee today!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Apple pie as validation?

So, my in-laws are visiting currently. They are great, but I never quite know if they really like me or not. Most ppl I talk to I can tell. You know how you just click with ppl or you don't? Well, I feel like I do too much talking and they don't really respond to me the way other ppl do. But, they are also both doctors of they could also be analyzing everything I say, which makes me ramble even more! Bah! A few years ago, MIL (Mom In Law) showed me how to make a good pie crust, which I will forever be grateful for. And, so everytime there's a potluck or some get-together I like to practice my pie making skills (Hubby likes this as well). Last night I put together an apple pie with crumb topping and they loved it! (so they said) So, of course then I felt like they also in some little way might like me as well!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

thinking about a name

Well, I'm thinking that my new doll's name just might be Marisol. I have always liked that name, so I'm going to try it out and see. This is subject to change. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, June 9, 2008


So, Monday, Monday.........what can I say? Here are some pics from the weekend. I'll start out with the most fragrant thing - LILACS! We have probably 10 lilac bushes dotting the hill that we live on and they have been blooming! I have been cutting some and putting them in our bathroom. I have to say it is so nice to have fresh, fragrant flowers!The next is my new doll in the outfit I made her last week. I used some scraps from the vintage fabric my Mom sent me in that fun box full of cool fabrics. The skirt has little pleats around the waist because she has such a teeny little waist! Probably my favorite part, which could be a little hard to see are the bangles that I made for her. I had some little gold bead trim that was probably for Christmas or something and I just cut some pieces and glued the ends together and voila! Gold doll bangles!

Okay, now this is one of my dogs, Rocky. He is a 4 year old german short hair who is definitely a daddy's boy! My husband had left the door open for like two seconds with his back turned and Rocky had jumped in his truck and decided he was going to work with his Dad! He wasn't budging at all! Hubbity said he followed him around all day and slept underneath equipment and chased rock chucks and whatnot! He was super exhausted that night!

Friday, June 6, 2008

La la la love to save $$$

Oh man! So, Jan and I went to a yard sale at lunch and then to the antique mall.....I can't even tell you how happy I am that we went to the yard sale first! I found some more of the green candle holders with the nubs that I love so very much, for 20 cents each! So, since I have some at home already I was very frugal and only bought 5 of them for a total of $1.00. Then, we get to the antique mall and see some of the VERY same candle holders for guess how much??? $2.00 each! Craziness! I'm going to go visit my Mom in a couple weeks and she LOVES to go to yard sales, thrift stores, etc so I know I will get to see a new variety of stuff as well!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trolling the yard sales

These are all of the votive candle holders that I have found recently at either thrift stores or yard sales. There are multiples of some of them, but I didn't take a pic of the whole lot of them. I am hoping to find some more pink, frosted white, and possibly blue holders. I love the hobnail ones, and the frilly amber colored one is cool.

Then, I found this suitcase holder thing that is going to go in my spare room once I finally put away my craft things :)

This is a little gold glittered deer that will be cute for Christmas. Unfortunately it is missing one eye, so I am going to replace that and add more gold glitter. Also, the "Sanctuary" plaque that I don't quite know where I am going to put yet - I'm sure I'll find some place!

So, lastly I found this doll that at first glance reminded me of a Blythe doll. I have been looking into buying one, but just haven't been able to bring myself to spend the $100-odd dollars for a doll. But, I kept thinking how fun to dress and knit little hats, sweaters and make clothes for it would be. So, we (Jan and I) were at a rummage sale and this was mixed in with the Barbies on a table. I grabbed it and almost put it back, her hair was badly in need of a brushing and there is a pen smudge under her hair on her scalp. But, she has such a sweet face and I love dolls - and she was like 50 cents or something crazy cheap like that! I did a little research and she is a "Diva Starz" doll named Alexa (the glow in the dark version) and she has a stamp that dates 2001. The dolls were only made between the end of 2000 and 2003. The dress she's wearing is actually her skirt, which was kind of long and I thought it'd be cute as a little strapless dress. The tank top she came in has a blue butterfly on it. I'm not sure if I will keep the name of Alexa, I had thought at first maybe Zoe - I'll keep you updated. I have QUITE a few projects ahead of making clothes and stuff for her, but it will be fun when I get around to it! I love her long eyelashes :)