Here's what will be a pillowcase for an 18.5" pillow.
And here's the top of a table runner. It's a rail fence design, each "rail" is 2"X6.5" to make each block 12.5" and I just make 4 blocks and sewed them all together. I like the effect. I wish I had noticed before sewing it all together that there are two big star prints kinda close together in the middle. Bah! Oh well, once there are things on top of the runner on my table I won't notice it.
In other news, I have taken on another job. My scheming to make some extra money actually paid off. I will be cleaning the office I work at. And, trust me....I'll be earning every penny. I work in a urologist office so things can get kinda grody quick. BUT, when I get that extra money every paycheck I'll be so excited! I've been dreaming up all kinds of stuff.....and also will be quite responsible with paying down stupid bills.
Also, finished up that book I mentioned, The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. I liked it, well paced, good action, good story. It is bascially two siblings who have been raised apart are suddenly thrown together and discover that they are from a magical family. Lots of Egyptian stuff going on which I found interesting, I love Egyptian stuff. Next up, I am going to make myself pick something that I already have and have not read yet. I have a whole box of books that I've been meaning to get to for like 2 years now. I'll let you know how that goes.
Did I mention that it finally got warm here? Well, it did and I'm loving it! I'm soaking up every bit of warmth like a lizard. It cracks me up here because all winter long people complain about the cold and the ice and snow. Then, once everything does finally thaw and it's warm then they complain about it being too hot! Argh! Not me. I hated summers growing up because I lived in the hottest place ever! 100 degrees and up was a normal day and you know, cooled down to 80 or 90 at night. Yuck. So, I appreciate the summers here that may get up to 90 or so during the day but for the most part cools down at night. Now, if I can just convince everyone