Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sweet Sunday

So Sunday ended up being my baking day! I baked 3 apple pies and a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. See, I HAD to bake 3 pies b/c I had meant to take one into work but you can't just take one into work and not have one for home. And you can't leave hubby out either, right? Therefore, 3 pies. The first two kind of turned out ugly and the third, which I took into work turned out better. I need to really work on the crusts, I'd really like to have them turn out pretty. With the cookies I found that turning the oven down to 350 degrees instead of 375 helped keep some of the chewiness. I personally do not like peanut butter cookies, but hubby said they turned out great!

I also worked on some knitting. No pics of that b/c it is a gift. I am charting my first ever picture onto a cloth. Once I get it made to make sure it actually looks like what I want it to, I will post the pattern. I have to get it done between now and 11:30 tomorrow morning :) Nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?
So, one of our patients brought in a TON of veggies from his garden today and I am totally inspired to definitely do a garden next year!!! There were green beans, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, onions, and the BIGGEST cabbage I have ever seen in my entire life! It was seriously bigger than a basketball. I wish I had had my camera with me to share a pic. I am going to make a minestrone soup in the crock pot either tomorrow or Saturday. Most likely tomorrow. And, frankly, how awesome would it be to be able to can up my own veggies??? Oh, I have big plans in my head already! When we first moved here I had dreamed up a pumpkin patch, and thought how cool would it be to be able to have kids/families from church be able to come out and pick a pumpkin and we could even set up hay rides :) But, I was a little naive about how much work to clean out the dirt it is. I'm thinking that with the tractor we could probably set up the rototiller attachment and maybe my gardening dreams will come true. Then, the only other thing is the deer - we will also have to build a fence to keep them OUT! And the bunnies.
Tomorrow night is the Beth Moore simulcast, and I am so jazzed about it! I went to the one here in town last year, and it was great. Naturally, I was already planning to go this years, and come to find out that it is FREE! The church that hosted last year is doing it again this year, but this year they are not charging, just going to pass a donation basket. I think that's great, a lot more ladies will have an opportunity to go.
My to do list for the weekend is this:
1. Simulcast
2. dress alteration for little Debbie
3. bake TONS of zucchini bread and freeze it
4. minestrone soup in crock pot
5. possibly make pickled zucchini and can it

1 comment:

roseylittlethings said...

YUMMY! I am so dieing to make an apple pie, I keep telling the girls we need to go pick apples then I forget! Maybe this weekend!