Yikes! I've been away from this space for a long time! Mostly, I've had some technical difficulties. And a bit of what do I have to say? Is anyone even reading this? But! I think it's just like whatever. If no one is reading it, that's fine. If anyone does, that's cool too.
So, what have I been up to lately? or, in the past 6 months or so? ha! Lots. And also nothing new. Kind of the biggest thing that I sort of talked about like 2-3 posts ago was losing weight. I've lost a lot of weight. I'm not going to put out there the exact amount. Mostly because if you're anything like me, you'll start to try and calculate what the beginning total was and I'm just not ready for that to be "out there". But, it's a lot. And I feel really good. I started the journey with an idea in my mind of a number, but also just a feeling for a goal. I made my goal and now I'm where I consider maintenance. Technically I have lost a little more and if more comes off I'll be happy with that too.
I'm tracking food, drink, exercise and water on MyFitnessPal, which is an app on my phone. It's really helpful.
One thing that I really wanted to do from the beginning of this journey is start running. Years ago, I had a dream where I was running. Not running from anything, not a stressful running dream - like a nice peaceful enjoyable running dream. I've held onto that as a sort of goal. I knew I'd need to lose weight to get there, so that was another facet of why I wanted to lose weight. Anyways! I did start running. I won't say it was easy, because oy vey it was not!
I ran my first 5k in January and after that I was sort of like, what now? But since I had built up to running a continuous 3.1 miles I did not want to lose my conditioning so I've continued. Some days are still a struggle - like today. Oh man, I hate, hate running in the wind. Like super hate it. But, when it's sunny and Tuesday I just want to get outside. So, I pushed through a 2 mile lunchtime run today.
I've been mulling over goals now at this point. Like, what are they? what is my new dream? I really have no interest whatsoever of running a marathon. And kind of no interest in a half. I'm still pretty slow - running about a 12 minute mile most days. So, I sort of want to focus on getting faster or maybe adding strength to get more distance in.
Sorry if this is all lame and boring. But, it is what's on my mind right now.
I have still been knitting and sewing. Nothing changed there. It's finally getting warm and Spring-y so I have also started getting out in the yard to weed and plant and plan. Oh, I also picked the cross stitch project that I started like 3 years ago back up. So that's exciting, right? baha! Oh! and I'm also reading The Fellowship of the Ring. After my husband died I just did not have focus to read anymore. Which is a super bummer because I really used to love reading. So, getting to where I read a couple pages a night and retain the info is encouraging.