Saturday, September 29, 2012

I must be crazy

Because yesterday I got off work 45 min early because I was in danger of running over hours.  I was set freeeeeeee! So, I thought, I'll just drop in Jo-ann's and see what's up.  Last week everything was 75%.  Starting yesterday everything is 90% off!!!!!  Holy cow dude.  I thought the parking lot was kind of packed, and this explained why.  People were buying up fabric like mad, me included!  I also scored a couple of books and a dvd on how to knit cables, bobbles and lace!  I saved $285!!!! After waiting 2 hours in line.  What makes me crazy?  I called Jan this morning and she was down there again (she was there yesterday too) and said the line wasn't too long.......I took the quickest shower known to man and drove down there.......and waited in line another 2 hours!  BAH!  I'd say it was worth it though.  Between last night and today I saved like $500!  I scored a bunch of Denyse Schmidt cotton, some brown Kona solid and lots of thread, pearle cotton thread, more fabric and nice ribbon.  Oh, and double pointed knitting needles and a cable needle.

In 2 weeks will be the grand opening of the new store and frankly I feel sort of bad for it.  We've all just been spoiled by 75-90% off everything and will turn our noses up at a mere 50%.  Or will we? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

First Fall weekend

Today is the 2nd official day of Fall, which means that I feel I have used some restraint in waiting a day to make something pumpkin :) grin.  This morning I baked a couple loaves of pumpkin bread with a cream cheese swirl.  I found the recipe last year on Pinterest and made it a couple times.  This year, it's just as yummy!
pumpkin cream cheese bread

So yesterday I had planned on going to a scrapbooking thing but it was cancelled.  What's a girl to do?  Hmmm.  Get a pumpkin spice latte from Starbuck's and go to Joann's.  There is a new store opening in town so the old store is having a liquidation sale because they won't be taking any old stuff to the new store.  Which means everything is 75% right now!!!!!  I mean, really, how could I NOT go?  It was packed in there!  I came away with some fun fabric, lots of thread and a bunch of other stuff for like 35 doll-hairs!
I bought some ribbon to finally finish the Steeler's wreath I started last year!  This is actually 2 wreath layered together. 

steelers wreath

Went home, finished the quilt top I'm working on. (pics later when said quilt is finished) Today I finished the back and have called it good.  Thursday night I'm going to take advantage of the tables at another scrapbooking event to baste the layers together and then most likely quilt it all up next weekend!

On a side note, I had bought a book on cd on a whim at the library book sale and have really enjoyed listening to it while sewing!  Now I know why hubs likes the audio books so much.  Talk about multi-tasking. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

back from the beach

Yikes!  I have neglected my blog!  Sorry about that.  What have I been up to?  A little pickling: pickles enjoying farmer's market: berries and toms And some much needed down time with my Mom at the beach! So much fun! We went to Ft. Bragg, CA last weekend and it was v. nice. Here was our view from the hotel room. Beautiful. view from hotel We found a really nice beach with the help of a local and it was just perfect. beach My Mom may or may not kill me for this picture, but I think it's cute!
100_3189[1] We did some bird watching. They were hilarious! caw Mom did some reading while I did some knitting. knitting on the beach We also trolled around Mendocino which was nice. There were some really cool shops. We also went to see Finding Nemo in 3D, which was awesome! Mom hadn't been to a 3D movie and this was only the 2nd one I had been to and we really enjoyed it. I loved sitting next to Mom listening to her laugh, she hadn't seen it before so it was fun to see her reactions :) All around it was a great trip!

ps: if you ever go to Ft Bragg you have to check out Egghead's for breakfast, it's sooooo good.  The smallest seating areas you've ever been in but worth it.  And now I must learn how to make garlic swirled crepes and it's their fault :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

to pickle or bust

Today I checked out the farmer's market hoping to find cucumber to pickle.  One of the ladies I work with had been there last weekend and said she had gotten a whole bunch.  I got there a bit later than I had thought I would and at first was kind of disappointed that I missed the boat.  There were cucumbers at a few vendors but they were either too big or not the right kind.  I asked at one booth and he said they were just starting to produce and to check back next week.  Huh.  I took another turn hoping I'd missed something somewhere.  I asked at the very last booth and she said "in the cooler."  Score!  I picked out about 70 cukes, some jalepenos and garlic.  Next stop was the grocery store and I got the very last bunch of dill!  I've never garned so much attention as when I was walking through the store with that giant (and I do mean giant) bunch of dill!  I had no less than 5 people comment!  It was hilarious.  One guy wanted to go with me home to make pickles!  Now I just need to find some grapes leaves and I'll be good to go.  There are some vines up the road so I'm going to stop and ask if I can have a branch - wish  me luck!